Temple Chapters 6.10-6.11 -:-
Friday, April 25, 2008
Here's a sketch of one of the covers that I was thinking about using, if I were to ever print a book for this comic. I wanted an action feel to the cover, and I wanted to include all of the characters. I'm not sure yet if I'd go with this design yet or not (I mean, I'm not planning to print the book this year, so I have some time to figure something out yet). Your thoughts? ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Cover SketchHow much longer can I drag out this inevitable showdown, right? ;P Also, it appears that the sword of his late wife is the key that they have been looking for. All this time, she told the swordsman to keep it near him to extract his vengeance, but in truth it appears that he was also protecting that which she held most precious. However, if the Cardinal knew that she had a key and went after her to get it, why didn't they end up with it? Was that really their intention that day? More foreshadowing, teasers, and a few explanations will be revealed in the prequel "Bushido," which will follow the next story arc. Chapter 6.10Alright, I'm in the process of finishing my catch-up on 5+ days of missed web comics (I read a lot of comics, damn it), AND unwinding from my 4+ day vacation / NYC Comic Con experience (I still have to unpack). The con was a blast, and I got to hang out with a boat-load of professionals, as well as several from Platinum Studios and several people from Drunk Duck itself. Specifically, I got to hang out with Juno from Star Crossed Destiny and who also helps out on the web comic Zona, specifically with uploading the pages to Drunk Duck. I said hello to Taki Soma (Youll Never Die) and Mike Omeng (Mice Templar, Powers), who I had met previously at Wizard World Chicago. I got to share some Korean BBQ with DJ Coffman of Hero by Night, and take shots with Jorge Vega (who won the 2007 Comic Book Challenge) and talk about his book, Gunplay. From the non-web comic world, I was 2 feet away from Stan Lee during a photo shoot by a giant Hulk statue, and I chatted with Cheeks (Hellboy Animated) for several hours. Billy Tan was right around the corner from my buddies at the Digital Pimp Booth, and I got to talk to him and his wife while their kid ran around the table. I sat in on a panel featuring the two guys from Penny Arcade and talk to them a little about the web comic industry and how the print industry is starting to make a bid for that market (ie: DC Comics has Zuda and Platinum Studios has Drunk Duck). Mostly, I stuck around my friends at the DP booth, and got to have drinks with them just about every night. I walked around so much that my shins hurt (and I'm a pretty in-shape guy) and my feet blistered. I missed the town, though, as I hadn't been back since college. I love the metro system and culture of the city - it's a fun place to hang out, however expensive. Here's we go, folks. Enjoy the rollercoaster as we quickly start nearing the end. Chapter 6.11After a long dry spell, we finally hit some of the sweet stuff. Today's piece of fan art is marvelously rendered by JustNoPoint from none other than The Devon Legacy Prologue. This piece is awesome, as it captures the pain, loss, an savagery of the swordsman early on and throughout this story. Also, there's a ton of carnage and gore on this image, and I always like a healthy dose of carnage and gore! ;) JustNoPoint has been establishing his coloring style for the last few weeks, and it has improved by leaps and bounds! The artwork has always been impressive, though, with a very imaginative and colorful world inhabited by intelligent and interesting characters. Not only that, but the comic is on it's 5th issue currently, and the guy keeps giving all of these hints about things to come - like bad-ass characters that may bear some resemblance to the swordsman. :P JustNoPoint has proved time and time again that there's a solid story with incredible characters in the epic tale that is The Devon Legacy Prologue. You should totally go check it out by clicking that link above. ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - by JustNoPoint
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p30-33 -:-
Tee hee hee, Susie tries on some goth pants, and the goth girl hits on Trevor. We assume that she works here, but do we know it? In any case, I'm in NYC right now spending money on over-priced stuff and hopefully meeting a bunch of professionals. Therefore, you probably won't get comments back from me until next week (sorry, little to no access to the internet since I'm packing light). I used to go to NYC every year, when I was in college. I used to design the AWNY (Advertising Women of New York) promotional poster every year, and as such they would foot the bill for me to attend their conference. It was a great networking opportunity, even if I myself am not a woman. Also, the city is awesome. I never thought of myself as a "big city" kinna guy, but if I were to move to a big city, it would be NYC. I'll try to link you guys to some pictures or video in my blog, soon. My Site and Drunk DuckOh goodness, yet another 12 year old! This feels like the Skrulls Secret Invasion of the Marvel Universe (which I heard a never-ending amount of presentations on during the weekend). The NYC con was AWESOME (and also, therefore, exhausting). I'll announce when I post pictures and / or video in my blog. I brought my flip video, and took some neat footage. I think for ACEN in May I might try to make some blog episodes - interview some people there, make like 5 3-5 minute little videos. Could be fun. Would you guys be interested to see something like that? Anyway, I'm exhausted and going to sleep now...maybe work on some pages and then pass out...we'll see. :P My Site and Drunk DuckAlright, I'm in the process of finishing my catch-up on 5+ days of missed web comics (I read a lot of comics, damn it), AND unwinding from my 4+ day vacation / NYC Comic Con experience (I still have to unpack). The con was a blast, and I got to hang out with a boat-load of professionals, as well as several from Platinum Studios and several people from Drunk Duck itself. Specifically, I got to hang out with Juno from Star Crossed Destiny and who also helps out on the web comic Zona, specifically with uploading the pages to Drunk Duck. I said hello to Taki Soma (Youll Never Die) and Mike Omeng (Mice Templar, Powers), who I had met previously at Wizard World Chicago. I got to share some Korean BBQ with DJ Coffman of Hero by Night, and take shots with Jorge Vega (who won the 2007 Comic Book Challenge) and talk about his book, Gunplay. From the non-web comic world, I was 2 feet away from Stan Lee during a photo shoot by a giant Hulk statue, and I chatted with Cheeks (Hellboy Animated) for several hours. Billy Tan was right around the corner from my buddies at the Digital Pimp Booth, and I got to talk to him and his wife while their kid ran around the table. I sat in on a panel featuring the two guys from Penny Arcade and talk to them a little about the web comic industry and how the print industry is starting to make a bid for that market (ie: DC Comics has Zuda and Platinum Studios has Drunk Duck). Mostly, I stuck around my friends at the DP booth, and got to have drinks with them just about every night. I walked around so much that my shins hurt (and I'm a pretty in-shape guy) and my feet blistered. I missed the town, though, as I hadn't been back since college. I love the metro system and culture of the city - it's a fun place to hang out, however expensive. Enough sales people, time to get with the crazy punching! "Ka-POWEE!" That'll teach you to mess with me, chico. I think it's safe to say that Trevor has officially lost it.... ;) My Site and Drunk DuckVictoria's Panties just seemed like a hilarious store name to me (and let's be honest, her Secret is her underwear). I'm always disturbed by a few things whenever I find myself in one of those stores: 1) The abscene amount of pink! It's frickin' everywhere! 2) The headless models. How distubring and morbid can you possibly get other than take the "ideal woman figure" and cut its head off. Or limbs off. Creepy. 3) The smell. The place just smells fake. Like processed whore trying to cover up the rotting smell of her soul, fake. It leaves a foul taste in the mouth.... 4) The boxes of women's underwear. I don't even like to say the word "panties," (I just feel so dirty saying it) much less go into a store that specialized in the sale of them. It's just not a store for me, it sells nothing I can use (and no, I'm not interested in your sample of "men's cologne" for "straight men"), and it's therefore not a comfortable place for men to go. Even with their wives. We like to see the stuff on our ladies, but we don't necessarily have to go through the process of picking it out with them in the store. I don't ask Laura to accompany me when I go to Kohl's or Meijer's to pick up my boxers.... But maybe I'm mistaken here. Men: do you like shopping for your lady's underoos? Ladies: do you like your men (or any men) accompanying you when shopping for that sexy lingerie? My Site and Drunk DuckAlso, I found out that they do make thongs for 10 year-olds, and I think that's gross....
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p29 -:-
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Trevor and Susie continue running away from the mall security, and find themselves hiding out in a goth store. Honestly, I attend a "goth night" at a club on Mondays (it's called Factory Night, at Necto in Ann Arbor - they play industrial music, and people dress up like they belong in a Cure music video), and it's a lot of fun. However, the people who go there usually make their own outfits - they can always point out the "Hot Topic Goths," we call them. They stick out like a sore thumb. I'm a little nervous / stressed out, because I'm just getting over a stomache flu, and I have a trip tomorrow. I'm attending NYC Comic Con this year with some buddies, and I have a flight that leaves at 9am. Here's the trick: 1) I may not entirely be over this illness, which will lower my energy level (and my ability to consume excessive amounts of alcohol. 2) Northwest Airlines and Delta are merging over the weekend, and my flight is through Northwest - with all of the crazy stuff going on with American Airlines, I would hate to get stuck here and have paid for a trip that I couldn't take advantage of. Likewise, I would hate to get stuck in NYC on Sunday, when I'm supposed to be shipping out. 3) I'm falling behind on my comic buffer, and this weekend obviously isn't going to help my productivity at all. 4) I'm going to miss Laura terribly, since I only really get to hang out with her on the weekends. Anyway, now you know the goings-on in my life. How're things with you? Anyone attending NYC this year? If so, try to find me over by the Digital Pimp booth over in artists alley. My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter 6.9 -:-
Marielle and Seymour were lovers, in case you didn't know (or I didn't say it well enough, which is the more likely situation). I'm going to have a prequel about their love, I think. It'll tie into something that each of them is doing at the time. Hopefully I'll make it interesting...and hot! Also, as for the last two panels, these are my favorite exchange between these two characters. From here on out, the gloves are off and the gauntlet has been thrown. It's ass-kicking time! As for me, I'm off to the NYC Comic Con this weekend. I'll hopefully be posting pictures (and possibly video) when I return. Have a great weekend, everyone, and even though a post won't go up on time, the comics will update automatically! Be sure to check them out on Friday! Chapter 6.9
Temple Chapter 6.8 -:-
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ah Seymour, who seems to be many readers favorite character (don't worry, he's my favorite character too). I think his character has a lot of presence, and not a lot of action is necessary for him to be impressive. Also, he's not really an "action" kind of guy. His prequel shall be an interesting tale indeed.... [note to self: make Seymour have an interesting past]. :P ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Sketch of SeymourThis page is where I started enjoying the Cardinal. The guy's just insane. Absolutely and complete insane. Also, I really like some of the effects that I did here with Shiri. I always thought that, visually, she could be a very interesting action character. Don't forget, at least two main characters die in this chapter - one was Marielle. Who else is going to bite the dust? Chapter 6.8
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p27-28 -:-
Yet another 12 year old, who unfortunately looks a little strange. That's what I get for designing her on the page, and not in advance like I tend to do. I don't quite know what it is about her that looks off to me - perhaps the oversized breasts, which is a joke that I have running with a few friends about how women's breasts keep getting bigger and bigger. I don't know if it's the chemicals or hormones in the food or what. Ladies, any comments here about breast size? Gents, any observations (keep it tasteful)? Either way, Trevor is clearly starting to lose his cool with these 12 year olds...he looks like he's seething in the last panel. I'm having a lot of fun with facial expressions in this story. :P Also, I just went through the archives and responded to all comments. So if you made a comment back in the day, go back to that page and check out my response. I command it. :D My Site and Drunk DuckAnd the payoff from 3 pages ago finally kicks in, where Susie (in the middle of a caffine high) does the unthinkable and sexually accosts the 12 year old. Granted, she was really just after the t-shirt with the sex text on it, but she ended up fondling the boob (like Justin Timberlake during the superbowl, I'm sure she'll get away with it and all the blame will go on the woman...not bitter). Anyway, security is now chasing our would-be shoppers. I thought this sequence would be funny silent. The look of horror in the second panel, and then running for their lives in the third. To me, that's funny. No punchline necessary. Or at least I don't think so. Your thoughts? My Site and Drunk DuckI'll be in NYC this weekend, attending the NYC Comic Con! It's going to be a blast, but I won't be able to post any comments, answer any e-mails, or essentially communicate with people in general while there. ie: The laptop is staying home. ;P However, I will have a full report after I return, possibly with pictures and video!
Movie Night #83: Clerks 2 -:-
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Because it has a jail scene in it (and no one was feeling any prison-related flicks), we popped in Clerks 2 for this movie night. Yeah, not a lot of thought put into that decision (still an entertaining flick, though).  Movie Review: Clerks 2 (2006) Director: Kevin Smith Cast: Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Trevor Fehrman, Jennifer Schwalbach Smith, Rosario Dawson Plot: Dante (O'Halloran) arrives for another day at the Quick Stop, to find the place on fire and burning to the ground! One year later, Dante and Randal (Anderson) are working at the local fast-food joint (Moobey's), and it's Dante's last day before he moves to Florida with his fiance (Schwalbach) to live happily ever after. Like magic, appearing on the side of the fast food joint is none other than the dancing Jay (Mewes) and Silent Bob (Smith), now reformed drug dealers fresh out of rehab. Everything seems normal in New Jersey, but as this is Dante's last day working with Randal, he decides to throw him a little "going-away" party, Reynolds Style. All the while, Randal is trying to corrupt conservative and religious Elias, the store's Employee-of-the-Month. And all the while, Dante thinks ahead about his future in Florida with his new fiancee...and the hidden secret that will ultimately change his life for ever! This movie was hilarious, over-the-top rauchy humor. As I anticipated, a lot of dick and fart jokes. The only real social and pop-culture commentary was about the significance between the original Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings films. All of the actors were right-on, especially Randal, who once again steals the show! Dawson does an amazing job as well, but her acting style is so subtle and natural that she almost overshadows everyone else...also, her character is very similar to Liv Tyler's in Jersey Girl. The surprise tallent to me was Kevin's wife starring as Dante's fiancee. She did a very good job in this movie, having only had bit-parts in Strike Back and Jersey Girl. She showed a little range in her character, however over-the-top and commical it might have been. Overall, I was not disappointed with this flick.
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p24-26 -:-
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Here's a cameo appearance of Seiko from Used Books. Granted, she's not necessarily dressed or acting like she would in that comic (nor is the book store in a mall), but I thought this would be a good chance for the first Drunk Duck cameo for this comic. Also note that those items listed are all things that Laura does enjoy reading. ;) What kind of books do you all enjoy reading? My Site and Drunk DuckAnother employee trying to keep Susie away from boobs. Susie has kind of a child-like attitude about the things that she wants - mostly because she wants instant gratification for whatever she's after. Right now, she wants to see bare breasts. If she's not allowed to look at the magazine, then she wants the employee to give her something better to look at - her own breasts. Heaven forbid Susie ever discovers a skin bare....oh wait, that could be a funny story, let me write that down.... :P My Site and Drunk DuckHAPPY 100 PAGES ON DRUNK DUCK (I think we're on 112 pages on My Site)! To celebrate the milestone, I have decided to enclude a bunch of Drunk Duck camero appearances on this page! Here are some more Drunk Duck camero appearances from comics that I enjoy reading (or work on myself). Not a lot was going on in this page, but it sets up the joke for the next 2 pages, so it was necessary. Here are the cameos: Panel 1: [blood/hound] and Energize Panel 2: Lack of Ethics Panel 3: The Temple of a Thousand Tears and Little Terrors My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapters 6.6-6.7 -:-
This may yet be a cover for this story (as I'm still working on some designs), or it may just be a nice sketch of her standing there. I'm currently working out some plot details for her prequel, since people seem to like her so much (and yet she does so very little in this story). Olivia, who will be doing the artwork for The Legend of Abraham prequel coming out right after this story arc, has shown eager interest to work on the prequel for both Sophia and Marielle. It's going to be a challenge for her, since I've let slip some of the story elements that I was thinking about putting in there, but she seems up to the task. Now I just need to get off my lazy bum and do it! ### You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D Fan Art Friday - Sketch of MarielleThe meeting between the two, finally after two long years. The swordsman has been hunting this man for ages, and it sounds like there may be more to his wife, Sophia, than we were originally lead to believe. I mean, you must be pretty important if the Cardinal knows who you are, right? Also, what amazing things did Abraham do to warrant having a religion based on him? We'll find that out in the prequel, The Legend of Abraham, which will update on Mondays after this story arc - with beautiful artwork by the talented Olivia Kasle. Preview sketches, promotional posters, and other teasers coming soon! Chapter 6.6Oh snap, that guy just shot our Tojin assassin! This was a commentary about the depiction of Jesus in ALL modern paintings, books, crucifixes, etc. The guy was not white - he was Jewish. People have a funny habit of forgetting that, because the media has depicted him again and again as something else - a visual representation of something that he very simply was not and could not be. But people sometimes get rather hostile when you mention that they're wrong. That's one of the themes here - just because the mainstream tells you something, doesn't mean that it's right.
Temple Chapter 6.5 -:-
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
First the wife has it, now he has it!?! What could it possibly be!?! Honestly, it's not all that original. Theories?
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p23 -:-
And here's Trevor starting to lose his cool with the 12 year olds, who seriously don't dress their age. Parents are always complaining about violent content in movies and on video games - what about clothing manufacturers that make "street-walker outfits" for 10 year olds?!? I don't want to find a 10 year old attractive! Hell, I don't even want to find a 16 year old attractive (and they're legal with parental consent). Ladies, talk to me here. Did you try to dress sexy when you were younger? If so, how did you dress and why did you dress that way? Guys, any stories about girls you remember from when you were 12?
My Site and Drunk Duck
Temple Chapter 6.4 -:-
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The new shading style is introduced. Now, I'm not sure if I would continue to use this in future stories, but I wanted to do something special with the last chapter, and adding gray scale seemed like a good starting point. It was fitting. The story was coming to an end, and I had no intentions of doing any additional stories in this world or with these characters (until I realized that there are plot holes at the end, and I hate plot holes). And that's where the ideas for the prequels and a sequel came from, which have since been expanded to include multiple prequels and sequels. Some of the prequels and sequels will have different artists, so the styles won't necessarily match up (like The Legend of Abraham, which will come out after this chapter has finished, which features artwork from my friend Olivia - teasers will start popping up soon for it). What do you think of the shading?
@$$hole! Laura's 21st Birthday p22 -:-
Ah backgrounds. I've been trying to work on my backgrounds more, especially in this story, because I always tell people that their comics could be better with them. Why not mine as well? Here we're introduced to yet another eccentric sales clerk AND another 12 year old. The truth is, I already bought a pair of sunglasses for Laura the very first vacation that we took together. We went to Pokagon, which is a state park in Indiana, and there's an outlet mall up there with a Sunglass Hut. On clearance were some very nice polorized sunglasses. Laura was nervous about getting them, because (like me) she has a tendancy to break her sunglasses. However, to this day she still has them, and uses them exclusively - especially when driving. I like to give practical gifts if I can help it, and not something that will just end up collecting dust. However, symbolic gifts can be fun too. What are some gifts that you've received over the years from friends or loved ones?
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