Here's a cameo appearance of Seiko from
Used Books. Granted, she's not necessarily dressed or acting like she would in that comic (nor is the book store in a mall), but I thought this would be a good chance for the first Drunk Duck cameo for this comic.
Also note that those items listed are all things that Laura does enjoy reading. ;) What kind of books do you all enjoy reading?
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Drunk DuckAnother employee trying to keep Susie away from boobs. Susie has kind of a child-like attitude about the things that she wants - mostly because she wants instant gratification for whatever she's after. Right now, she wants to see bare breasts. If she's not allowed to look at the magazine, then she wants the employee to give her something better to look at - her own breasts.
Heaven forbid Susie ever discovers a skin bare....oh wait, that could be a funny story, let me write that down....
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Drunk DuckHAPPY 100 PAGES ON DRUNK DUCK (I think we're on 112 pages on My Site)!
To celebrate the milestone, I have decided to enclude a bunch of Drunk Duck camero appearances on this page! Here are some more Drunk Duck camero appearances from comics that I enjoy reading (or work on myself). Not a lot was going on in this page, but it sets up the joke for the next 2 pages, so it was necessary. Here are the cameos:
Panel 1:
[blood/hound] and
Energize Panel 2:
Lack of Ethics Panel 3:
The Temple of a Thousand Tears and
Little TerrorsMy Site and
Drunk Duck