My SiteVOTE!If you tried to stop in for the podcast with
TGT Webcomics yesterday, then you know that
the talkshoe client crapped out on us about 20 minutes in. This means that while you were not able to listen in live (without Skype), the show was recorded and will be available for download and streaming soon. I now hold the all time record for longest interview on that podcast (4.5 hours), and I had so much more to talk about. We really didn't get a chance to get into the prequels at all, and I wanted to give some more teasers about the impending sequel (because I love to tease). Come 1am, though, it was time to go to bed.
I'll post a link to the stream / download as soon as it becomes available. Kurt (the host) tells me that he's going to edit it down so it's not 4.5 hours. ;)