My SiteVOTE!I have a signing at
Brainstorm tonight at 6pm-10pm for Indy Comic Book Week. They are located at:
Brainstorm Movies, Comics & Gaming
1648 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Come on out and say hi, buy the book, and let's chat about comics!
The new year's right around the corner, and at the risk of sounding less than funny, I have some comments about the past few years.
2008 sucked for me. Almost completely. I was dumped without reason, I was downsized from my job, the economy continued to tank, and nothing seemed like it was going right.
Then we had 2009, which I held as the year of hope. Obama was promoting hope and while not a lot has changed for the better, the changes for me have been on the positive side. I moved to a new state, I got a new job, I printed a book, I attended a bunch of conventions and met a ton of new friends.
Now in 2010 I'm hoping to be the year of positive change. More comic opportunities, more successes in love and at work, and more fun collaborative projects (like the one you're reading here).
What do you hope for in 2010?
See you on the first day of the new year with a brand new @$$hole!