@$$hole!: Jess and Trevor Forever 4 -:- Friday, December 11, 2009

My Site


Nominate TrevorAMueller.com in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for:

- Best Writing
- The Innovation Award
- Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter)


So you've no doubt noticed that the blogs have slowed down (or stopped), and part of this is because of a very busy planning season at work. But there are other things going on that you should also be aware of that I'm doing:

Reading with Pictures is a non-profit that my friend Josh Elder has started to help get comics in the classroom. For someone for whom Maus was required reading for history class, this is kind of a big deal. I've been working with a fantastic artist and a few editors to develop my 8-page contribution to this fantastic anthology, which will be out next year. Tonight, in fact, they're having a fundraiser at Chicago Comics in Chicago, Il. I'll be there, so show up and say hi.

Comic Creator's Aliance is a charity started by two-time Harvey-nominated comic creator Lora Innes and I'm contributing to a piece that she's putting together to help raise money and awareness about human trafficking. Lora's done a few interviews about this already, and some of the stats that she has are truly frightening! There's more slavery today that there was before the Civil War, and most of it is sexual in nature. Be sure to find out how you can contribute to this cause by visiting the website.

My good friend and Eisner-Award winning artist Jon Bivens has just entered into Zuda's content with his entry The House Always Wins. Be sure to check that out and vote for it.

There are a slew of other things going on as well that cause me to not get enough hours of sleep at night (did I mention a busy planning season?), but these are the important ones worth mentioning.

Have a great weekend, all!


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Content Copyright Trevor A. Mueller