My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the
2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for:
- Best Writing
- The Innovation Award
- Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter)
It's been a while since I last colored any pages. Too long. It shows to me. But it was fun to draw Anthony again. His boss, Jo, however, needs some work. She's very stiff yet.
Basically, I'm trying to warm up for the nude beach story - get the ol' drawing hand working again. While I'm not completely satisfied with the work (and what artist ever is), it feels good to be doing it again.
Check back Friday for a comic for the ladies...! ;)