My SiteVOTE!Seriously, there's a whole other holiday in here. So why do I already see x-mas stuff up in stores, bows on items in fliers, and sale items attempting to start the paranoia of the holiday shopping season. I mean, Black Friday isn't even until the end of the month, and the actual holiday isn't for another 30 days after that! Calm down, everyone. We still have to make it through Gluttony Day before we celebrate the most pagan religious holiday (seriously, look up the origins) in the country.
Not that there's anything wrong with x-mas (except the music. I worked retail for 9 years, and I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing another holiday song. It would be a good life), but more people should go look up the origins of their holidays. It's fun and educational...and wikipedia makes it that much easier (although I recommend the library, myself).
So I'm getting back into drawing a little to help break up some of the photo stories. I have the next one compiled, I just need to build it - but since it's another dating story arc, I wanted to break up the longer stories with some fun little shorts like this one here.
Also, I want to get back into drawing. I have more illustrated stories to tell with this comic before the year is through. Hope you enjoy it, and have a great weekend.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try to recover from my night of drinking and debauchery...since last night I turned 28. ;)