Assassin teaser by Olivia Kasle -:-
Monday, November 30, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Just a reminder that the next story arc needs a few weeks to get going, so in the meantime I'm posting some supplemental materials. To tease a bit about the up coming Assassin story arc from Olivia, here is her cover mock with a splash of color. Comic should start in late December.
Heroes Unite pages 24-25 -:-
Friday, November 27, 2009
Here is the beginning of the series of pages that I did for Heroes Unite. I contributed 6 pages total to this jam-style story. Fun stuff. Colors by Nepath. Link Link
@$$hole!: Lazy -:-
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Happy Black Friday to all. This is the first Black Friday I've had to work since I worked in retail...but I'm working in advertising. Thought it was an industry standard to get this day off, but I guess not. No biggie, there's certainly work to be done. Speaking of which, this page didn't take very long at all and I came up with it on a whim. I needed something for Friday (not ready to start the next story arc yet, and having a lot of fun drawing the comic again), and this just seemed to fit my tone. I mean, I did just open up Assassin's Creed 2.... ;) Just kidding. Wish I had time for video games, but if I'm not busting ass at the job then I'm at home working on comics lately. Lots of writing to get done on these other projects in the works, plus the regular web updates that you all enjoy so much. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving, and didn't get trampled doing your holiday gift shopping. I've had my shopping done since 3 weeks ago. Best of luck to the rest of you! :P See you next week!
Marielle Sketches by Olivia Kasle -:-
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Just a reminder that the next story arc needs a few weeks to get going, so in the meantime I'm posting some supplemental materials. To tease a bit about the up coming Assassin story arc from Olivia, here are some of her sketches for Seymour and Marielle. Next week will be some additional bonus content. Comic should start in late December. I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!
@$$hole!: Acting Like a Monkey -:-
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### I have been so completely swamped at work lately that it's not even funny. I can't even begin to describe how much I'm looking forward to tomorrow off for the holiday. Planning season is tough, but I think this is one of the most difficult that I've been through in my many years of media planning. Unfortunately this limits my time and ability to not only produce my own content, but also enjoy other people's comics. That said, I've told myself that even if it means a sleepless night or two, I'm going to not miss an update day for he rest of 2009. I haven't missed one yet this year, and it'll be a great feeling to keep that going. But enough about work, let's get to the good stuff.... I've been working on several comic projects in the background, many of which are very exciting prospects for getting printed. I don't want to get into too many details until the books are published or contracts are signed (and I'm given the green lights), but I'm so stoked for this one project in particular that I can't even begin to describe. I'll obviously post more details once things are more solid - I don't want history to repeat itself, as it were, and have people drop off last-minute - but this is looking good and I'm excited about the work. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, an American holiday that involves a lot of food and a lot of eating (and even a lot of leftovers, so there's more eating to come), but it also involves a coming together of friends and family. This year, because of the crazy work hours and having moved out of state, I will not be spending the holiday with my family. However, through the new friends I've made over the year I've found a group that has taken me (and several others) in for the holiday, and I'm looking forward to it. They call this "Displaced Thanksgiving," for people in a similar situation to myself - people who can't get away but have the day off and want to gorge themselves and be among good company. My friends are having this event professionally catered by someone in town that, whenever I mentioned the catering place to a local, people take notice. I'm very much looking forward to it. I'll no doubt post pictures in my blog (if I ever get 5 minutes to write one on non-update days), or on facebook or something. It should be a ton of fun. I also have several guest strips and charity pieces coming out within the next several months. And then a new convention season starts up, and with a book out now it should be a whole new experience. 2009 was a year of change for me. Positive, mostly, but certainly a renewal period that I'm thankful for. And my friends and family have helped me get through the tough times, and adjust to the new times. And I've seen them go through both during this time as well. This is what I'm thankful for: friends and family, and the people who support me like you, my readers. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Here's to an even better time in 2010. What are you thankful for?
Seymour Sketches by Olivia Kasle -:-
Monday, November 23, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Just a reminder that the next story arc needs a few weeks to get going, so in the meantime I'm posting some supplemental materials. To tease a bit about the up coming Assassin story arc from Olivia, here are some of her sketches for Seymour. Another set of sketches will post on Thursday. Next week will be some additional bonus content. Comic should start in late December. Labels: seymour, temple, the temple of a thousand tears
@$$hole!: Learn How to Spell -:-
Friday, November 20, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Seriously, isn't this what that means? I've never understood the appeal, myself, but the ladies like it. Hence, a comic for the ladies. There were several iterations for this comic before I settled on this final one, most dealing with Trevor saying, "I would never own a cat." But that's only funny when you parallel the photo and illustrated worlds...and even then, it's not that funny. However, making fun of the idiots who can't spell and post their lack of education on the internet for all to see along with some pictures of cats (sometimes poorly photoshoped), well - that's just entertaining. For some reason a lot of women that I know find this lack of spelling ability with pictures of cats to be "cute." Compare this to all of the internet dating profiles that I read that say, "Proper grammar and spelling ability are a must," and it just furthers my confusion about the female mentality. Perhaps another reason I'm still single. ;) On another note, though, I have a lot of projects in the pipeline again. I was approached yesterday by four more anthologies to make submissions - which are all mostly written - and I've been working with an artist that I'm very excited to be working with on a short story already. Which could lead to a regular collaboration, possibly even with the characters that we're developing here. Very fun and exciting stuff. So this weekend will be spent doing more of what I love: Making comics! Have a great one!
@$$hole!: Put in Your Place -:-
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### It's been a while since I last colored any pages. Too long. It shows to me. But it was fun to draw Anthony again. His boss, Jo, however, needs some work. She's very stiff yet. Basically, I'm trying to warm up for the nude beach story - get the ol' drawing hand working again. While I'm not completely satisfied with the work (and what artist ever is), it feels good to be doing it again. Check back Friday for a comic for the ladies...! ;)
Comic Review: The Dreamer -:-
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Comic Review: The Dreamer Writer / Artist: Lora Innes Publisher: IDW Website: www.thedreamercomic.comPlot: Beatrice is your average teenage girl who wants to get the lead in the school play and to date the cute boy. But when she falls asleep she dreams about living a life during the Revolutionary War. As she delves deeper into the life of the characters fighting to create an independent nation, she starts to question if she truly is dreaming...or if there's something else going on.  Lora Innes is the twice-Harvey Award nominated (and winner of multiple other webcomic awards) writer and artist of The Dreamer, and also a good friend of mine. Her pages are absolute gold, and you can see her style evolve even within the first six issues collected in her first trade from IDW. The characters are interesting and believable, the dialogue is delivered realistically, and the level of detail put into the outfits - in both modern times and the past - are absolutely spectacular. Whenever Bea dreams is when this comic shines, and it's a fascinating and historical ride. Lora balances tense dramatic scenes, action, and even a little comedy into the mix for a story that spans the ages. By the end of the first book you want to know not only what's going on with Bea and her time-spanning dreams, but also how her trips may affect her in the present.  Lora has also just started a charity auction (which includes Thom Zahler, Barb Jacobs, Alan Evans, myself, and about 50 other creators) to create a wallpaper to help raise money to put a stop to human trafficking (AKA: modern day slavery). She has some frightening statistics and a personal story about it on her website, so be sure to check it out and help contribute. Labels: alan warren, idw, lora innes, revolutionary war, the dreamer, the dreamer comic
Sophia pinup by Olivia Kasle -:-
Monday, November 16, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Assassin is still in the works, so to keep everyone sated, remind everyone where we've been (and to tease a bit about things to come), I'm going to be posting some supplemental materials for the next several weeks. These materials will update every Monday, and may also update a few other times during the week. If you would like to supply any fan art of your favorite characters, this would also be a good time to do that. Essentially, because planning season has been kicking me in the butt so hard lately, I've not had a chance to finish the Assassin script completely, so between that and working with Olivia on the artwork for the pages, we've both fallen a bit behind schedule. But this allows me to utilize some of the bonus materials that I've been working on for a printed edition of the prequel stories. I will probably not post all of that supplemental material (still need to give people a reason to buy the book when it comes out, after all the prequels are finished), but it'll enrich the world and characters a bit, and hopefully tie the story together more. Enjoy!
@$$hole!: Liquid Inspiration -:-
Friday, November 13, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### I'll be honest, I had nothing for this. I have pages written, but I've been so swamped at work that I barely have enough time to eat dinner and shower before I pass out on my bed from exhaustion. Planning season is kicking my ass at the moment, and I'm equal parts trying to survive it and also trying to create processes to make it easier on us while we're in the thick of it. Of course, doing this as the new guy is difficult - but thankfully I'm not the only one that recognizes that it needs to happen. This weekend will be a comic making weekend, where I do nothing but make comics (okay, there may be some laundry in there somewhere). I have new pages of Temple to write and produce, and more @$$hole! pages to separate the story arcs. And the next story arc for this puppy is a fun one, just you wait! Enjoy your weekend!
Guest Strip by Carl Kloster -:-
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Nominate in the 2009 Web Comic List Reader's Choice Awards (no need to sign up, but it helps if you put in some info so they know you're not a spambot). I'd take any nominations, but I'm specifically looking for: - Best Writing - The Innovation Award - Best Supporting Character - Susie (or the crazy cat lady...or the waiter) ### Carl was kind enough to make me this guest strip while he was visiting Chicago for my birthday. I think his style has become very cute lately, so it's always fun to see his rendition of my character (and my cat). I hope you enjoy it.
Hikari 52 -:-
Monday, November 09, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Xen is an arms dealer after all, so it makes sense that he would look forward to a war. A war that we will see happen in Holy War, but that's a little ways down the road yet. Still need to tell the next prequel, "Assassin," and then possibly the last of Sophia's stories (which includes the previously announced Bushido story), and then we'll be there at the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed the ride, and I'll see you all next week for the next prequel chapter. Also, in case you didn't know, last Thursday was my birthday. :D
@$$hole!: The Day After -:-
Friday, November 06, 2009
My SiteVOTE!Seriously, there's a whole other holiday in here. So why do I already see x-mas stuff up in stores, bows on items in fliers, and sale items attempting to start the paranoia of the holiday shopping season. I mean, Black Friday isn't even until the end of the month, and the actual holiday isn't for another 30 days after that! Calm down, everyone. We still have to make it through Gluttony Day before we celebrate the most pagan religious holiday (seriously, look up the origins) in the country. Not that there's anything wrong with x-mas (except the music. I worked retail for 9 years, and I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing another holiday song. It would be a good life), but more people should go look up the origins of their holidays. It's fun and educational...and wikipedia makes it that much easier (although I recommend the library, myself). So I'm getting back into drawing a little to help break up some of the photo stories. I have the next one compiled, I just need to build it - but since it's another dating story arc, I wanted to break up the longer stories with some fun little shorts like this one here. Also, I want to get back into drawing. I have more illustrated stories to tell with this comic before the year is through. Hope you enjoy it, and have a great weekend. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try to recover from my night of drinking and debauchery...since last night I turned 28. ;)
Birthday Blog -:-
Thursday, November 05, 2009
No blog today. I'm too busy turning older.....
@$$hole!: Halloween 2009 -:-
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
My SiteVOTE!This is a conversation that I've been having lately, especially with the sequel to a certain "horror romance" movie coming out soon. Call me old fashion, but the only horror romance that I really want to see is Frankenstein. But I digress.... I had made comment on my twitter a while back about how "modern" vampires - these beautiful people that you see on TV and in movies that violate the rules of being a vampire - are not in fact vampires at all. They more closely resemble a chupacabra in description. "Goat drinkers," I call them. The truth is that over the years, especially recently, the rules the a vampire must follow have been becoming much more lax. Crosses don't work, garlic is a joke, and only in very rare cases (ie: Joss Wheddon) do they have to be invited to enter a dwelling. I remember when Vampires were also OCD and crossing flowing water was a lethal as a steak to the heart. But there are a few items that are, to me, a staple to defining a vampire's weaknesses: Holy water, must drink human blood...and sunlight. It's my understanding that Edward Cullen is immune to these items (at least in a lethal capacity). So then what's the down side to being a vampire? "Oh, I get all sparkly when I'm out in the sunlight?" Well, I have news for you son, you attend high school instead of college night classes. The worst thing that you have to deal with as an immortal 17 year old is that you have to live as a 17 year old for all eternity. Time to get emo about it and start a blog. But in truth, I'd be pretty upset about that too. I mean, at least if I were 18 I'd be able to date women legally and attend college classes to mix up my day. I'd still not be able to rent a car, though.... So I think this comic is appropriate for remembering some of the roots of this current Hollywood trend. So I present to you the Nosferatu. This, ladies and gents, is a vampire. Edward Cullen is not.
Video Game Review: InFamous -:-
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Video Game Review: InFamous Platform: PS3 Developer: Sucker Punch! Official WebsitePlot: You play as Cole, a delivery guy in Empire City. When a package that you're delivering (The Ray Sphere) explodes and destroys most of the city and all of the power, you begin to develop electrical powers. Your girlfriend leaves your side, and your best friend Zeke wants to capitalize on your newfound abilities. Meanwhile, the city is under quarantine by the United States government because a plague has broken out among the populace. Able to chose your path (redemption or revenge), you go on various missions around the city either liberating or conquering all in an effort to find the criminal mastermind behind it all, the mysterious figure known only as Kessler.  The gameplay is free-form, not unlike a Grand Theft Auto (only instead of driving cars, you can climb buildings and ride along electrical wires and train rails), with an upgrade system similar to most modern action games. As you progress through the game, you unlock new abilities that will help you reach new areas or defeat new enemies. You gain experience points by completing missions (good, evil, or neutral) and savings / killing enemies or citizens. There's a moral barometer (called "Karma") in the game that allows you to be the hero or the villain. Unfortunately this mechanic isn't very sophisticated like you would expect to find in an RPG game, usually something similar and more blatant. You're usually faced with a moral dilemma ("Do I save this guy, or do I kill him and take his stuff) which usually results in the same outcome either way. There are some powers and trophies for Karma Good or Karma Evil, so there's some replay value in there to try the game again playing the polar opposite. Exploring the city is fun, especially since you can't take any damage from falling. You can climb to the highest point in the town and just jump straight down (or you will later unlock a glide ability). Going through the city and liberating or conquering the various sections from the gangs that have taken over is a great mechanics, and gives you a very realistic feeling of accomplishment when you control an island (of which there are three in the game). The landscape even changes as you make a difference. The cutscenes are an exciting motion comic with some terrific voice acting (although I question why a delivery guy sounds like Solid Snake from Metal Gear), and you're generally interested to know what's going to happen next and how you fit into this vast conspiracy surrounding the Ray Sphere. With a (predictable) cliffhanger twist ending, it wouldn't surprise me if we see a few more games with Cole coming in the near future. The game is totally worth buying, but don't take my word for it: there's a free downloadable demo that allows you to explore some parts of the city, as well as undertake three missions.
Hikari 51 -:-
Sunday, November 01, 2009
My SiteVOTE!The ol' Wishing Tree. Seems a lot of people have been buried there in this story. It appears that the Order covered up the assassination attempt by Sophia, and no one else in the world is the wiser. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Last page of this story is next week, and then we get started on "Assassin!"
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