So many of you have been asking me how to get your hands on the new @$$hole! collection, and I can't say that I blame you. Unfortunately, distribution was a bit of an after-thought when printing this first book. A learning experience, to be sure.

So there are a few options available at the moment, and more will be forthcoming down the road. Currently if you live in or near Ann Arbor, MI, I recommend checking out
The Vault of Midnight. In the local section you will find several copies of my book prominently displayed. If you can't find it, ask someone who works there for it. They'll be able to bring you right to it.
I've also been taking the book on the road with me, first to Reactor and then to Mid-Ohio Comic Con. I usually have some extra copies around, so if you're in Chicaog just drop me a line and I'll meet you somewhere. I have not tapped into local Chicago distribution opportunities just yet - I just haven't had the time. Soon, though.
For those of you who are further out, the book will become available on the internet very soon. I don't have a store set up on the website, but I will make it publicly available for purchase somehow. More on that after I've had a chance to review the best options.
@$$hole!: Laura's 21st Birthday is the story of a slacker who's so lazy, he forgot his girlfriend's 21st birthday. Desperately taking his demonic Japanese roommate in tow, he must over-come his mall-o-phobia and dive into the depths of retail hell to find her the perfect gift. This teen-rated tale has some hilarious humor, and even some of that mushy stuff.
The book is 50 pages and runs for $6. You get:
- an awesome 41 page story
- an afterword by the author (hey, that's me)
- several pages of original content appearing only in this book
- a forward by the fabled "Josh from TokyoPOP" himself, Josh Elder
Please also help spread the word by telling your friends. If they like it, have them buy it - and refer them back to
my website.
Thanks, gang!
Labels: asshole comic, comic books, comics, mid-ohio comic con, photo comic, reactor con, web comics