@$$hole!: Transformers 2: I Blame You -:- Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My Site and Drunk Duck

I went to see Transformers 1 and 2, so I also blame myself in helping the germinate the abomination that is Transformers 2. I won't even go into details about how bad the flick is, nor will I probably end up reviewing the movie - better websites than this have already beaten me to it and anything that I had to say would just be redundant at this point. So instead of making fun of Bay, Shai, or the fact that there was no plot in this movie and that it contradicted not only itself, but the first movie several times (did they say that Optimus and Megatron were brothers, but then in this movie they claim that Optimus is the last Prime...which, to me, sounded like a different race of Transformers, but they never really explain it).

No, instead I decided to make fun of the movie-goer. And perhaps a little too harshly, but I assure you that my rants are intended to be done all in good fun.

But there's a lot of truth in this rant as well. The all-powerful dollar does hold a lot of weight in Hollywood, and what people pay to go see helps determine what kind of movies will be made. We, the people, dictate the kind and level of entertainment / quality that is within our movies - or we continue to feed the current machine, which allows movies like this to get made.

I have little doubt that there will be a Transformers 3, and that it too will be god-awful. The movie made almost as much as The Dark Knight in its opening weekend...and The Dark Knight was a good movie! So where's the disconnect? How does a terrible movie and a good movie make almost the same amount of cash?

If you were insulted by today's comic, then I apologize that you identified so strongly with the type of stereotype that I was speaking out against. Perhaps you would benefit from re-evaluating your entertainment choices, or just pop 2Fast 2Furious back into the ol' DVD player and relive your glory days vicariously through Paul Walker's attempts at "acting."

Meanwhile, the rest of us should demand better from our movies. It's not like this couldn't be seen a thousand miles away. Ignoring the fact that the first Transformers was terrible, Michael Bay made Bad Boys 2! Where Florida cops invade Cuba to stop the bad guys! Since when do Florida cops have authority in Cuba!?!

Michael Bay needs to go back to directing Playboy movies, and the rest of us need to demand that Hollywood make better movies. Period.

But I digress, what did you think of Transformers 2?


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