My Site and
Drunk Duck"The Cat's Corn Hole" just sounded like such a fun name for a place. On the one hand, it sounds like a dive place, like a hole in the wall. On the other hand, it sounds like a kitty's bum....
I'm starting to gear up for Wizard World Chicago next week. Been working on some special things, and also making sure that I have enough content to post while I'm away (and not make myself rush at the last minute to get it done either before or after the con). My plan is also to get the book off to the printer's this weekend. While it won't be available at Wizard World Chicago (which wasn't a goal anyway, since I'm not exhibiting), it'll be a good feeling to have it done and out.
Then when I get the proofs, I get to figure out how it'll look. It'll be a great test for future collections, to make sure that they are absolutely perfect.
The book will be available at Reactor in September, where I'll probably be speaking about comics in some panels. Programming hasn't been announced just yet for that con, but I've been talking to some people and it's rather promising.
Also, if you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out Erica Hampton's
website, as she's the awesome person both taking the pictures and playing the Crazy Cat Loving Lady (who will have a name soon).
Now go vote for @$$hole!, if you haven't already! :P
The 2009 Drunk Duck Awards
The DD Awards are upon us once again, and
the categories are up. Last year, without trying, you the reader graciously nominated @$$hole! for "Best Photo Comic" and "Best Experimental Comic" - an honor which I'm told that if popular demand had determined the winner, @$$hole! would hold both titles.
This year, I'm asking for some nominations - so please be sure to vote for @$$hole!:
Best Antagonist: Susie
Best Dialogue
Best Humor Comic
Most Deliciously Offensive
Best Overall Strip Comic
Best Photo Comic
Best Slice of Life/Autobiographical Comic
If you think that @$$hole! deserves any of these awards, then I implore you to
vote for @$$hole! in the 2009 Drunk Duck Awards. Voting goes until July 31 (Friday)!
Labels: comics, drunk duck, drunk duck awards, web comics, writing