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Drunk DuckNOTE: Due to the high critical feedback from the previous strip about online dating, I am pushing the online dating story arc ahead of schedule. But I need your help. Please e-mail me or make comments about your hilarious, frightening, sweet, or horrific dating experiences. The more I have, the better. Thanks!You may have noticed that this comic is #100. Well, that number is pretty pointless, actually, since there have been several series that we didn't count at all (41 pages of Laura's birthday, anyone?). We're actually much much closer to #200, which we will hit this month. What does this mean for the comic? Well, for starters, I'm going to stop counting the damn pages. Confuses the hell out of people reviewing the comic or interviewing me.... ;)
Ah the return of Anthony Douchebag. He's one of my favorite characters to write, and we're going to be seeing more of him in the future. I have plans for Anthony....
I watched this very strange and somewhat hilarious movie last week called "The Pirates of Salt Water," and in it one of the characters drinks water that has gone bad. His line is, "Tastes like salsa!" and I couldn't help but use that here. The delivery was absolutely hilarious, and I was laughing for like 5 minutes. Hopefully that hilarity translates here.
I'm not a real big fan of coffee and have never understood the need (or even the culture) around the consumption of caffeine. My friends in high school drank Mt. Dew all the time, and it was okay - but I didn't need to drink it daily. In college people started consuming coffee like it was water, and I still don't even like the taste. Or even the smell, sometimes. Depends on the blend.
However, Laura (the fictional girlfriend of the fictional bald man in this comic) loves coffee. Susie landing this job is probably the closest thing to heaven for her. Unless, of course, Anthony is making the beverage....
Anyone here an avid consumer of coffee? Help me understand the appeal....