My Site and
Drunk DuckNOTE: Due to the high critical feedback from the previous strip about online dating, I am pushing the online dating story arc ahead of schedule. But I need your help. Please e-mail me or make comments about your hilarious, frightening, sweet, or horrific dating experiences. The more I have, the better. Thanks!Finally had a chance to sit down and actually do some illustration. While I do enjoy the photo comics, they're a bit of a trick to do. I mean, you need a cast of "actors" in order to have reoccurring characters, and you need a photographer to take pictures of you while you do silly things.
Plus, I had a plan for what I wanted to do with Susie getting a job, but my own personal pursuit of income delayed that. Now that I'm starting to slip into more of a routine here, I'm hoping that we can have a more balanced mix.
I still have aspirations to tell the Nude Beach story, and I want to get working on the next birthday storyline as well. Plus, I'm going to be publishing a book collecting the first 100 or so strips of this comic. Would anyone be interested in something like that?
Also, how sweet could a t-shirt with "Put Crappa in your Frappa" be?
I'm also working on a slew of pitches right now, some of which have promise to be published. It's an exciting time, and I'm hoping that the rest of 2009 shapes up to be just as awesome as I expect it could be.
Here's hoping your 2009 is kicking as much ass as mine is so far, and continues in that vein. And if 2009 is not treating you well, then I hope it turns around for you.