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Drunk DuckThe big reveal...well, one of them anyway. So, we already knew that the gods were mortal during the time of Abraham and that the reason that Abraham had to play bodyguard to Artimis in the first place was because she feared assassination from her brother, Veno. Because mortals can be killed, right? Well, mortals can do more than just be killed. They can also make babies. And clearly, some of the gods were doing just that. Now there's an entire secret race of people running around the planet descended from the gods themselves.
I call them the Hikari.
However, this information isn't really news to Sophia - just news to you, the reader. She wanted a name, and she got it: Milikin. The lone Cardinal that is now in charge of the entire Holy Order of Abraham (and apparently retains that power for almost twenty years, because he still has it in the original Temple series). And what's his first order of business? You guessed it: war on the Hikari!
But why? Find out next week for motivations from our narrator, and what Sophia is going to do next!