Had a great first movie night in Chicago with Rob, Carrie, Adam and Morgan. We watched The Lost Boys (which I've already reviewed somewhere on this website), because only Rob and I had seen it before. Great flick. Whenever someone asks me about Joel Schumacher, I don't think of Batman and Robin...I think of The Lost Boys and Flatliners!
I understand that M-TV recently produced a sequel to this much beloved 80s vampire flick, but I have no interest in seeing it. Honestly, nothing can top Kiefer Sutherland with a mullet. This was the beginning of his bad ass-ness that he displays weekly on that TV series 24. Seriously, dude has screen presence.
I may or may not keep track of my Chicago movie nights (which will be less regular than the Ann Arbor ones), but I'll be sure to review any cool and new movies that we watch.