My Site and
Drunk DuckI've always wanted to come back to the "movie guy," and I've pictured several of them for different genres of flicks (you can see a few of them at this table). I've been coming up with ideas for sub-genre characters to support this as well. I have some fun ideas not fully fleshed out yet for this cast for future strips, but that's a ways off.
I have like 18 million ideas for stories for this comic right now, and it feels like very little to no time to do them. I had a great one for a photo comic, but no one to take pictures of me for it. I have one prepping for Friday that pokes fun at the Wolverine movie (hope it's not too dated by then).
The fact of the matter is, I messed up. I haven't drawn in almost 3 months (does it show?), and I had to throw this page together in a matter of hours to get it up on time. I've been a bit busy with life at the new job in the new city, and trying to slip back into a manageable routine (which has yet to happen).
I'm working on it. Please bear with me. In the meantime, I apologize for this horrific page update. A better one will go up Friday, and I hope to have the weekend to get my buffer going so I can work on the Nude Beach storyline (which I keep talking about, and keep not working on).
Enough excuses, I say. Get to it, bald man!