My Site and
Drunk DuckI've had this idea in my head for a while now, so no: it's not inspired by the swine flu. But anyone who knows me knows that I'm a pretty clean guy, and like to keep my hands sanitized. In truth, I won't even touch anything in public with my right hand if I can help it. This way I know that my right hand is always clean. Or as clean as it can be.
Strange, I know.
I'm at ACEN right now, and there's going to be a lot of stuff to cover. Check out my website for blogs, pictures, and a review of the Star Trek movie next week when I have all of that stuff compiled. Assuming my camera doesn't crap out on me like it did during NYCC this year, I should be able to do a photo comic arc about the convention.
The nude beach story is still being worked on...seriously, I'm not just trying to tease you with it. ;)