Movie Night #106: Resistance the Fall of Man
Developer: Insomniac Games
Plot: In an alternative-reality WWII, an army of mutant-like creatures called the Chimera swarm out of Russia and invade Europe. Having taken over most of Britain within only a few hours, the United States makes a deal to send some of their soldiers over to assist in exchange for, well - something that's a part of the plot. You play as Nathan Hale, the only American solider to have survived an onslaught of Chimera in a valley - in fact, the only human to have ever survived a Chimera attack at all. Mutating from the inside throughout the game, you gradually gain the ability to recharge your health and start seeing things that other humans cannot see - namely, the psychic instructions of being known only as Angels.
Although not an actual movie (yet), Alicia and Nate came over and we wanted to play some PS3 games. The plot to the game is interesting enough, displayed not unlike a documentary on cable TV, but it's the game play that makes this game stand out as a first person shooter (FPS) from other related titles. Namely, the weapons.
The game has your tradition basics: automatic rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, grenades, etc. But it also has some fun Chimera weapons (sapper, auger, needler, etc) that make the game fun and unique. Originally upon hearing the release of the game, I thought, "Why the heck would you use alien weapons against an alien? The game would be more fun to limit the player to traditional WWII-era weapons against a foe that has superior technology and numbers." But alas, that's not the case, and the game would be very different had they done things that way. Possibly not in a bad way, but in a significant way - since the game requires you to rely on these alien weapons.
If you own a PS3, then you know that the game currently has a sequel out that takes place in the US, so you obviously don't defeat the Chimera in this game. But you do set their European occupation back quite a bit, and you learn some interesting facts about them that make me want to pick up the sequel. Since the first game is a Greatest Hit right now, though, it's cheaper and still a fun title to play. Be sure to check it out!