My Site and
Drunk DuckI’ve had this idea floating around in my head since late last year about telling a joke about introducing a character (I assure you, no new MAIN characters are being introduced any time soon), and then having a highly negative response from the readers. It’s true that many people feel like I don’t use the characters that I have (like the Gnome King, or Charlie), and it’s true. I’m going to be working on fixing that in the near future.
This is the winner of the “Put Your Face in my @$$hole!” contest: Lauren Ragen from Kalamzoo, MI.
I didn’t receive quite as many photos as I had hoped for (but the ones that I got were hilarious), and in the end she won because she followed the directions – showing your angry face AND your computer. Plus, the blood coming out of her eyes was priceless.
The next contest that I throw, I’ll try to make it a little easier…like having pictures of your pets being whipped or yourself in a gimp outfit or something.
Next week I’m off to NYCC, so be sure to look me up at the Digital Pimp booth in Artist’s Alley (I’ll be there when I’m not out mingling or attending panels). More hilarious stuff to come.