My Site and
Drunk DuckHere’s what was written as the first of a three-part short story about how women tend to control men in many ways. Call it what you will, but women have a tendency to make men do strange things – things that are sometimes beyond what our personalities would normally have us do. Once we realize this, though, we tend to put a stop to it right quick. It’s like compromising who you are for someone else. I’m all for compromise when making joint decisions, but I’m not going to do it at the expense of my opinions and beliefs. And neither should anyone.
Ladies: this is proof positive that you can’t change those “bad boys,” no matter how hard you try. Sure, this is a generalization and doesn’t apply to everyone, but it certainly applies to most people.
The second week of “Put Your Face in my @$$hole!” contest is underway. The first photos that I’ve received are pretty damn funny (one of a dude in drag). Remember that you have until the end of next week (January 23) to submit your photo.
Again, I need a photo of you (or your friends, or you with your friends) looking at your computer and making the angriest face you can muster. The funniest and most angry face wins! Winners will be announced January 30 when the comic goes live. Please limit one photo per person (so don’t submit multiple times – I can only go through so many pictures by myself).
You have one week to go, so spread the word to your friends and get your face in the web comic!