My Site and
Drunk DuckI hope everyone had a great new year! I have no doubt that I'm hung over right now - which is why it's probably a good thing that I finished this page early and wrote this entry in advance.
This page is funny to me for a few reasons. First off, it's a call back to the Writer's Strike storyline where Laura's character had to fill in for me because I was "helping out my writing brothers on the picket line." In truth, Laura knew better, and called me a meanie poopie for playing video games. It looks like even after that motivational speech about how I'm going to get a crap-ton done in 2009, I'm still playing video games....
What a lazy bastard I am.
In truth, I have been toasting the end of 2008 (which I have dubbed "the worst year so far") for the entire week! The year really has done almost nothing beyond dump on me, with a few spatterings of nice things happening here and there for good measure. But overall, I consider the year a failure and a year to be thrown away in the recycle bin of my memory and deleted. What do you all think? Good year, bad year, or just another year? Here's my short list of why I think 2008 sucked balls:
1) I got dumped (blindsided, even)
2) Half of my friends moved out of state (mostly because they lost their jobs)
3) I got a new cat...and she peed on my couch
4) I started a new, better paying job...and then was downsized
5) Bush was still screwing things up
6) A while bunch of other shit that doesn't just affect me (like high gas prices and poor retail sales, and that whole economic crash thing), but that certainly helped make this past year suck
So, here's hoping towards the future and that 2009 is a better year! I want to get a better job, possibly move out of state, start myself over a bit. Here's my optimistic outlook, and my hope that 2009 will kick ass!
...after I finish this mission in Fallout 3. Later!