My Site and
Drunk DuckSophia and Selphi seem to rescue Lorice, the only witness to the events of the apparent bombing of the cathedral in the beginning of the story. However, in a land that barely has firearms (and therefore, little gunpowder) how does one get their hands on something with a little more “ka” in its “pow!”? Apparently, it has something to do with someone named Xen (more on this character, next week).
Things are being introduced here that will play a role in this story, and for stories down the road. The purpose of this story is, again, two fold:
1) To tell a kick ass prequel story about Sophia
2) To introduce the reader to the world that these characters have been living in
I’ve been rather distracted with other projects lately - one of which is due this week Friday (I’ll announce it after everything’s set, so cross your fingers for me), and the other is being pitched at New York City Comic Con (NYCC) next week. I’ve been looking forward to NYCC for some time now, especially since so many of my friends live in the area. Back in college, I used to go to New York City once every year – and I ended up falling in love with the place. It’s certainly a singular city, and I don’t consider myself to be a big city kind of person. Since I still don’t have a job, I’ll be on a tight budget – but I thankfully have friends willing to help me out and make it affordable. If you’re going to be in the area, be sure to stop by the Digital Pimp booth and say hi (I’ll be walking around the con mostly, but when I’m stationary I’ll probably be around the DP guys).
See you guys next week!