My Site and
Drunk DuckIf last week's update wasn't working for you, check it again and let me know if I was able to fix it. Sorry about that. I could see it on every computer that I accessed. However, every computer that I access had PhotoShop, so that might've had something to do with it.
If it's still not working, let me know and I can try one more thing.
Anthony continues to try to "train" the new hires at Joe's Coffee and Cyber Cafe, and Susie continues to torture him. I've enjoyed this character a lot, and was originally going to dispatch him in a most unpleasant way...or have him quit...but now I'm thinking of adding a little twist and keeping him on for more jokes down the road.
Also, it would be bad form for Susie to kill all of her employees that disagree with her. That's what customers are for. ;)
Next week will be the conclusion to this Orientation story arc, and then I'll probably do some one-shot stories to finish off the year before starting Trevor's Birthday story. January will also feature a contest to have yourself appear in a guest role in a page of @$$hole!, so stay tuned for details on that in 2009.
See ya next week!