Sorry for the late blog about the Halloween Party, but I've been absolutely swamped lately.
The party went off without a hitch - in fact, several pleasant surprises happened that night which made the evening that much more enjoyable. For starters, before the party even began, my friend Lynette drove all the way down to see me and we hung out all day, going out to lunch and checking out shops downtown Ann Arbor. When it was around party time, she helped apply my body paint (for the fake tattoos) as people were showing up.

Inventive costumes were the name of the game that night, with Scott dressing up as a person attending a time traveling convention (complete with his time traveling device), and Megan and Laura coming as a pair of atoms that made up Hydrogen. Scott Pearson had on an impressive Edward Scissorhands outfit, and Alicia wore the scrubs that her and I had gone out to shop for earlier that week.

No one seemed to know who I was this year (thus confirming that my friends need to read more comic books), but it gets tricky to find a shirtless bald character to play every year. I went as Spider Jerusalem (sans the sun glasses and several more of the arm tattoos) from the comic series Transmetropolitan.

As the night went on, the surprises for the evening kept on coming. People brought a crap-ton of food - delicious food - and had a great time conversing while consuming it. Alison made her infamous pudding shots (chocolate AND cheesecake), and people brought muffins and chips with dip and apples with caramel. There were drinks abounding, and everyone had a great time.
Several people that I didn't expect to make it made it, including my college friends Lizzie and Becca, and people (Mike, Kris, and Scott's sister Megan) who drove all the way from Kalamazoo to dress up, drink, and be merry. Megan and Laura drove up from Bowling Green. Pat and Meg showed up sporting some authentic looking costumes. Erica and Miha also attended (this being the first party of mine that they've been brave enough to show up to), as well as Olivia and Cas. Even Shane and Kelly, despite the fact that neither were feeling very well, made an appearance.

Waffles was not used to being around such a large group of people (roughly double the size of the largest Movie Night we've had since everyone broke up and / or moved away over the summer), so she spent a good chunk of the night attempting to sneak food from people and trying to avoid everyone at the same time (don't ask me how cat logic works, it's just what I observed).
The party lasted late into the morning, breaking apart around 3am when people were finally sober enough to drive home (and my eyes couldn't possibly stay open any longer). A few people stayed the night, and I was rather hung over the next day (having drank far too much whiskey that was provided by Lizzie's boyfriend...which I will have to replace at some point in the near future).
Overall, the party was a complete blast and I thank everyone who showed up and brought food or drinks or share. Without you, these parties wouldn't be nearly this much fun - the people make the party, and you all made this party great!
Same time next year? ;)