In lieu of a movie night two weeks ago (last week, I was at Pokagon), Scott opted to host a Rock Band night. Having recently acquired Rock Band 2 for his Xbox360, Carl had downloaded a boat-load of songs and brought over all of his equipment, and we started to rock out!

And somehow, surprisingly without the influence of alcohol, Carl was able to get me on vocals! Which, thankfully Rock Band 2 has eliminated the event that happens when you suck (I call it the "boot event"), so no one has to save you when you're doing terrible. Because let me tell you, I sing about as well as Leonardo DiCrappio acts....

Erin, however, was rocking out on the guitar with her mad Rock Band skillz.

And the brother's Heinowski were rocking out for several songs, trying a few new instruments out. Overall, a great fun time and I look forward to the next one sometime soon (hint hint, Scott and Carl).
It was great to see some of the familiar college faces at this party, too (which, sadly, I didn't take pictures of). It was kind of like an Eldridge / Fox reunion! Pizza and snacks were certainly available (Carl had a life-time supply of Zours to share), and the night was good fun!