My Site and
Drunk DuckA little cliche, I realize, but tons of fun to do nevertheless. I really just wanted to play with some blur effects for this page, and try to give the illusion of depth (even though we were practically right next to each other in the studio). However, due to a lack of time on my part, the background in this page is a little lacking.
In other news, I'll be posting pictures of Waffles post-surgery pretty soon. I just got them put onto the computer, so now I just need to find 5 minutes to upload them to the web. I also have some pictures for you Susie fans out there, of my friend that looks like her (only blonde). Should be a fun treat, and I'm trying to figure out a way to turn it into a little strip....
Be patient, though, as I'm going to be out of state this weekend.
And I know I don't normally like to jump from one story arc directly into another, but I think I may do another black and white storyline for Trevor's birthday in the comic. I've wanted to do a Susie / Laura team-up story for quite some time, and it's evolved into this story idea. I think that two birthday stories in the same year is probably not the best planning on my part, but I think it's a fun idea and should be entertaining.
So to answer your questions, yes - the illustrations are coming back. The photo story arc was just a project that was a lot of fun to do (and I'm going to revist it again in the near future), but it was never going to be what this comic was going to become. Far too much work involved. ;)
I do appreciate all of the comments / e-mails I've been receiving in support of it, however, and I encourage you to continue to support the comic and the story. I'll be coming back to photos again with this - and other - projects. And no doubt will be tapping Erica to help me with it.
Have a great weekend, everyone! See ya Monday for some Temple!