My Site and
Drunk DuckDrunk Duck has been messing up a whole lot lately, and it's starting to get a little annoying....
But on a lighter note, here's the new page where Waffles surgery is under way! In the real world, Waffles just got her surgery done last night - and while I was expecting a sleepy and unconscious kitty when I went to pick her up, she was normal as anything...but with a bald patch on her belly!
Anyone here a cat owner? When you got your cat fixed, did you notice a change in their purr sound, or in their meow? Waffles sounds different to me after her surgery - but she's able to purr, which means she's not pissed at me at least.
Well, maybe that'll change after her pain meds wear off.... :P
I'll try to post some pictures of her post-surgery soon, so everyone can see the funny bald patch on her belly. Because she's a black cat, it sticks out like a sore thumb!
Anyway, have a great weekend, everyone!
Now, as many of you know, @$$hole! was nominated for Best Photo Comic and Best Experimental Comic in the
2008 Drunk Duck Awards. But it lost to another photo comic, LOST, and a different experimental comic, LOCOMA. However, I pulled away with a nomination of being on the site for less than a year, and I'm told that I would have won the award had they gone with the popular vote instead of a panel vote (kind of sounds like the Bush election 8 years ago...).
So thank you everyone who reads, who comments, and who voted for @$$hole!. These are for you: