My Site and
Drunk DuckAnd here we meet Dr. DePantelones (which, in Spanish, means "The Doctor of Pants!"), played marvelously by my good friend Troy Smith. I'm a little disappointed at how this page turned out because I wanted to show more of his leg - but again, Erica was away and we were having difficulty switching out photographers with a 30lbs+ camera set-up. Your wrist starts to hurt after about 5+ hours of shooting, and that's about where we were here (hint: these photos were not taken in order).
Again, this shoot took a lot of coordination and hard work over the grueling (but very fun) 6+ hours that it took to do it. A lot of help went into it, and I appreciate everyone's contributions (of which, I will be recognizing towards the end of the story arc).
We just make this look easy. We're professionals.... ;)
Anyway, Troy was very enthusiastic when I told him about this role - and honestly didn't wear any pants during the entire shoot! He did, however, have on boxer-briefs. He was my first and only choice for this role, because I knew that he had the look and the energy required to play the part. Overall, I'm not disappointed with my casting choice at all. ;)
Also, if you guys have been digging the photo comic and haven't been following the
2008 Drunk Duck Awards (shame on you), then check out the
Best Romantic Comic and
Best Political / Editorial Comic presentations for a pleasant surprise. ;)
@$$hole! didn't win any awards (although I'm told that the results would have been very different had they gone with the popular vote instead of panelists voting - wow, kinna sounds like the last presidential election two terms ago), but it did get nominated for two awards in the first year of the comic being out. And that's just fine in my book.

So thanks to all who read, all who enjoy, and all who voted for the nominations!