This update consists of a set up and teaser on this page, giving everyone an idea of what the landscape looks like in this area right now (we call this "foreshadowing"). You'll come back to this page eventually, upon re-reading this series, and see what I'm talking about.
I love what Olivia did on this page with the textures. Simply amazing stuff!
Also, thanks to everyone and anyone who nominated @$$hole! and The Temple of a Thousand Tears into the Annual 2008 Drunk Duck Awards. @$$hole! has pulled in 2 nominations: 1 for best experimental comic, and another for best photo / stock image comic (which is funny, since it's just this story arc so far). Temple pulled in a nomination for "Most Profound Comic," which I find to be very flattering. Thanks again to all who voted, and please continue to support my comics!
My Site and
Drunk DuckHere are some sketches by Olivia of Sophia, from the next comic project we're working on - The Temple of a Thousand Tears: Genocide!