My web comic series,
@$$hole!, was reviewed on the website
mpd57. Specifically, the author was looking around Drunk Duck and stumbled upon my comic series on there - thus proving that yes, even though the comic is certainly not the funniest thing on the internet, the title does attract readers all the time.
He brings up some interesting points in his review that have been said to me more than once - and I'll reference speficially the lack of personality in the main character (who is obviously loosely based on myself). It has always been a fear of mine that people would start to associate comic Trevor with real Trevor, and for this reason I've tried to keep his attitude and rants in check. Because I've been doing the same, really. However, comic me and real me are very different people right now: Comic me is dating a beautiful girl, while real me was dumped by a beautiful girl. The demonic roommate is another very obvious example, as I currently just live with an over-active cat. The Charlie thing is totally real, though. ;)
There are other reasons why I've toned the character down a bit, but I'm starting to question whether or not I should just start going ape-shit and let that character loose. I already kind of have an off-the-wall character in Susie, however, and I would hate for the two to compete with each other for attention. Plus, I need to further develop Trevor and Laura as characters. But we shall see.
Your thoughts?