The first page of the new arc, which will be done with photos, has finally started! Taking Waffles to the vet for the first time today should give me an idea of how off-the-wall my writing truely is.
We did the photoshoot last weekend for this 13 page story, in about 6+ hours. It was a ton of fun.
Erica Hampton was the person who took most of the pictures, as she's a very talented photographer. I enjoyed working with her on this project so much, that I'm totally going to be engaging her services again on some future projects that I want. She's very easy to work with, has some great ideas and a unique visual style, and she's very accomodating.
Please don't blame her for my crappy photoshop editing job, dropping in the background. That was all me - not her. Her stuff is amazing, and you should totally check it out!
I had some friends help me out by volunteering their time (and resources, like props and outfits) to this project. Some of the people have opted for psudo-names, so I will list the cast below. This page features my friend Megan as the underage receptionist / secretary. Here's the full cast:
Trevor: Trevor
Megan: Receptionist
Troy Smith: Dr. DePantelones
Jane Smith: Sexy Nurse
Erica: Crazy Cat Lover Lady
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