You may have noticed that an @$$hole! comic didn't post on my site last week, and there's a good reason for that:
Wizard World Chicago. Now, while I was totally ready to have a comic or something to post on Friday while I was at this very awesome con (details and stories coming soon), life just seemed to get in the way. And life comes in two packages:
1) The job situation: I just got offered a promotion at Campbell-Ewald in Southfield, which is a little further down the highway from my current job. Taking this job was a difficult decision, and I've been stressing out about it ever since (you know me and stress / change). While this shouldn't be a huge time consumer, it has been weighing on my thoughts a lot and I've been second guessing myself ever since. Stay with what's familiar and comfortable, or try something new? Well, fortune favors the bold, so here I go.
2) The kitten: My buddy Danny just moved to Florida to live with his very cat-allergic parents, and I took his 11 week old kitten named Waffles. While I have some animal allergies (and I'm still trying to figure out how bad they are), I'm also trying to acclimate the cat to my apartment and my lifestyle (ie: I'm a neat freak). Now, while this also shouldn't be a big problem (as Friday's comic was going to be of her), she decided that my apartment had too much cushy furniture in it...and proceeded to pee on my couch while I was at work. I had to deal with getting the smell out and cleaning the mess, and then had to lock her in the bathroom while I was out. Thankfully, my friend Erin was able to cat-sit for me, making sure that she had food / water, and was able to get out every day to play.
Now, I'm a little nervous about letting her out again while I'm away (for obvious reasons), but I did so last night while I was sleeping and we didn't have a problem that I can tell. Therefore, I'm trying the trust thing again and have left her out while I'm at work. Here's hoping I come home to a urine-free furniture apartment.
In any case, there you go. I'm going to try to get an update ready for this week, Friday, but we shall see what happens. Guest strips and fan art would be appreciated.
So there's the life update, and the reason that @$$hole! didn't update on Friday. I appreciate everyone's patience and support during this trying time of change in my life, and I'm hoping that once I'm through it, everything will be better. Peace!