Amanda has been one of the people who has been reading the comic from the beginning (on Drunk Duck, anyway), and was kind enough to supply me with some guest strips during my plea the other week, as I was overwhemled emotionally (and am now just overwhelmed because I'm playing too many video games...and the whole emotional thing too, I suppose). She's also a huge fan of my other comic on here, The Temple of a Thousand Tears - having submitted several pieces of fan art and apparently having late-night conversations with her then-roommate Jess. ;)
Which is totally and completely awesome!
Even better, Amanda and Jess worth on a web comic together called
Salt the Holly (which you should totally go check out, if you don't already). In any case, I'm totally heading out to Wizard World Chicago tomorrow with Scott to hang out with artists and writers and maybe meet some industry professionals...more on that, later.
My Site and
Drunk Duck###
Also, in the event that you missed it, I made a guest comic for Irv's Fishtank Tango (based on a true story....sort of). He asked me to do this for him at Wizard World Chicago, and the conversation actually went a little something like this:
My Site and
Fishtnak Tango