A little background information about Abraham, his family, and the Tojin of the time. Remember, Tojin are elf-like in appearance, and in the modern times, are considered a race of assassins. This is a stereotype, however. The Tojin are loosely based on the Abrab community, specifically dealing with the stereotypes that developed post-September 11th. Many Americans started to associate Arabs with being terrorists (and to a degree, many still do that today, almost a decade later). The actions of a few have swayed the opinions of the many - and poorly.
This is also the case here. But more on that in another prequel.
In any case, by learning a bit about Abraham and his family, we glimpse a few of his character motivations - which are important in making a story move forward. Keep in mind, this kid is like 9-10 years old. However, he's already a kick-ass fighter and devoted to his family. Let's see what happens next....
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