Sorry for the lack of updates that don't involve notices that my comics updated - I've been dealing with a lot of crap right now. I'll start with ACEN explanations, and then move forward from there.
ACEN hasn't been updated because I only took like 2 pictures (both of Jason David Frank, from Power Rangers) and I was waiting for my friend Kim to upload some pictures to flkr so I had more than just text to update - but that hasn't happened yet. Not to put blame on Kim - I'm the idiot who didn't take pictures of anything. So, my bad. However, it was a blast of a time!
I arrived on Thursday and had my tickets, but my friends Lauren and Scott did not even register yet - something that I learned back in the day was a big mistake for a con like ACEN. They don't have the most reliable systems or people working to make the process smooth. Scott ended up standing in a line for over 9 hours to get his registration on Friday.
Thursday night I spent with my friends Kim and Levi, who were up from Florida. We ordered Chinese food and hung out in the room. Friday I spent at the con, walking around and meeting new people. It was a lot of fun, and they had some great vendors there selling all kinds of stuff, like giant plush animals the size of pillows! They're called "Squishables," and they're 100% polyester (very soft). After hours, I went to the Green Room, which is reserved for industry professionals. Essentially, a room full of anime creators, free booze and free food. It was very nice, and I ended up drinking from 10pm - 5am. Unfortunately, when I woke up the next day, I got sick trying to sober myself up, and spent most of the day feeling like vomit. It was not pleasant.
Sunday I walked around the con and said my goodbyes, and then spent 4+ hours in the car.
Overall, I got to see several of the Power Rangers (Jason David Frank, among them), lots of anime directors and artists, and hang out with good friends that I haven't seen in a while. It was a ton of fun.
As for the life stuff, there's not a lot to report right now. I'm hard-core fighting feelings of depressing steming from my general standins in the world, and whatever Laura and I are going through right now - but we are working through it, and that progress has helped to brighten my day. Wherever we net out in the end, it can't be as bad of a place as where I have been for the past 5 or so weeks. And I've been trying to give her space and time to think things through on her end, and hopefully she's been doing that. We've tentatively agreed to start hanging out and see where we go from there, hopefully leading into a conversation (eventually, I don't expect it to be right away - baby steps) that explains what happened and why.
Hope keeps me going, at the moment. Hope, and the support of good friends. And knowing that they're supporting her as well.
In any case, I'm determined to fight my way through this depressive kick that I've been on lately - but it will be a gradual process, and it will take some time. In the meantime, I'm focusing on what's important to me.
Also, I may be getting a kitten from a friend who's moving away. His family's allergic, and he wants to make sure the thing has a good home. I'm not 100% sure that I'm taking it yet, but I'm more than half way there. It's the cutest little black kitten named Waffles, and it's about the size of my foot. Also, the name Waffles is just hilarious to me! :P
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about cats. Time to bone up on my research, internet. Teach me things both strange and new.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop everyone a heads up as to what's been going on (outside of the comic updates), and let them know that progress is being made. I appreciate all of the love and support that I've received, and any that has been sent Laura's way as well. Please continue to support her and I as we figure out what the heck's going on, and figure out where we want to net out.
I hope all's well with you in your world. Peace!