Back from the con, and man was it a good time. If I took photos or video, I'll try to post a link soon.
So it looks like Seymour AND Shiri were the survivors of this story. Originally, only Shiri was going to make it - but then I just grew to enjoy Seymour too much! Also, the juxtaposition between Shiri / Seymour and Kimberly / Daniel was just too good to resist.
However, Seymour was originally going to be killed by Kidjo, aka the man with beady eyes, when Julian was killed. However, at that time I was still thinking that Seymour and Kidjo would be rivals - which never happened.
Anyway, one last page left and then we move on to the prequel: The Legend of Abraham with art by Olivia Kasle and written by me. It's going to be a very different kind of story from this, more of a fairy tale, explaining the story of Abraham and introducing some new characters / concepts.
Chapter 6.18Last page...ready for the big shocker: I completed this story 5 years ago, art and writing, and had it hosted on my website ( ever since. However, I was unhappy with a lot of the stuff in it, and decided to clean it up, fix the text and fonts, and release a Definitive Edition. Also, I made covers for it here.
Hope I didn't tick anyone off, but you could've found out the ending long ago. :P
I hope you all enjoyed this story, thanks for reading, and let me know what you thought.
What comes out on Monday will be completely brand new, never-before-seen pages! The Legend of Abraham begins with the cover, and then goes into a 25 pages weekly journey (updates Monday). You don't even have to fave a new URL, because it'll update right here! See you all on Friday for Fan Art, and then again on Monday for brand new stuff!
The sequel will answer some of the questions left by this story, such as:
1) Why didn't the portal to paradise open?
2) What were all of the keys, and what happened to them after this story?
3) Is Shiri a whole and complete person now, capable of independent thought? (This was kind of a Pinocchio story)
4) What does Seymour do now that his journey has ended, and his love is dead?
5) Now that there are no more leaders for the Holy Order of Abraham, what happens to it?
That'll get you thinking, while you wait a whole year or so for sequel information. How's that for a foreshadowed tease? :P
Chapter 6.19