Temple Chapters 6.12-6.14 -:- Tuesday, May 06, 2008

After a long dry spell, we finally hit some of the sweet stuff. Today's piece of fan art is marvelously rendered by JustNoPoint from none other than The Devon Legacy Prologue.

This piece is awesome, as it captures the pain, loss, an savagery of the swordsman early on and throughout this story. Also, there's a ton of carnage and gore on this image, and I always like a healthy dose of carnage and gore! ;)

JustNoPoint has been establishing his coloring style for the last few weeks, and it has improved by leaps and bounds! The artwork has always been impressive, though, with a very imaginative and colorful world inhabited by intelligent and interesting characters. Not only that, but the comic is on it's 5th issue currently, and the guy keeps giving all of these hints about things to come - like bad-ass characters that may bear some resemblance to the swordsman. :P

JustNoPoint has proved time and time again that there's a solid story with incredible characters in the epic tale that is The Devon Legacy Prologue. You should totally go check it out by clicking that link above.


You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D

Fan Art Friday - by JustNoPoint

Again, let me emphasize that the Cardinal is incredibly fun to write. This is the only time I let myself get away with using the f-word in this story, because I felt it was so fitting. I mean, this is a man of the cloth - a religious man - who should be the last person you hear a swear word come from. This, to me, is hilarious.

Also it looks like Shiri has lost an arm...not good.

Chapter 6.12

Tell me if the narration on this page flows well. If it makes sense where your eye should be going. I really like the narration on this page - the swordsman motivating himself and willing himself not to fail. He's failed so often before, doesn't he just deserve a break?

Remember early on when I said that the first page of this comic was one of the last pages? Well, you're about to come full circle here. Soon....

Also, I did an interview with spiritmonkey, who does a fun comic called Timmy and the Bleach. Check out the interview by clicking the link above and let me know what you think, and / or just check out his comic.

Chapter 6.13

BetaJess went above and beyond with her fan art submission, and actually did a guest comic! It's awesome and hilarious, and you can tell that she put a lot of time and effort into the research for the characters (and even simulated my line-art style, to a degree).

My favorite reaction is Amanda's, grabbing Seymour and dragging him to her room! Hilarious!

BetaJess contributes to the amazing comic Salt the Holly, which is a really cute comic that has multiple stories going through it, centering on the life of Lia and her roommate Daisey. My favorite draw with the comic is the creepy bald neighbor (being a bald guy myself, but hopefully not creepy). The really interesting part is that he's named Mr Travon - which is pretty damn close to my name...almost too close. He's been missing in action for a little while (which was made up for with the appearance of ninjas!), but he's recently made another appearance!

The artwork continues to improve by leaps and bounds in this series, as Jess and her roommate Amanda have been modeling for each other on some rather tricky and unqiue poses. The story had turned into a fast-paced action / fantasy tale, which was the last thing I was expecting from this comic, but has since simmered down again for some good laughs and awkward moments (but awkward in a good way).

If you like a good natured comic with interesting characters and some unexpected plot twists, you deserve to read Salt the Holly!

In other news, I was interviewed the other week over at Drunk Duck on my two comics, and they finally got around to posting it. Be sure to check it out by clicking here.


You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D

Fan Art Friday - by BetaJess

And that is how Shiri takes care of business - with what's left of the swordsman's old sword. With the Cardinal down, it's just the swordsman and Malukai - mano a mano.

We're coming up on the ending here, soon. Approximately 5 more story pages remain.

There will be death. There will be tragedy. There may not be a happy ending here.

Chapter 6.14


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