Jessica: the fictional imbodiment of the "perfect girl" from high school. Honestly, she's not based on anyone in particular, but the experience here is based on some that I've had over the years. Running into your old alumni years after high school (even after college) and seeing how the "popular kids" turned out really tends to put your life in perspective. I mean, no longer under the eye of mommy and daddy, the girls from my high school have tended to spiral down the social ladder and into a rut of deprivation and depression. Like, hard-core manic depression.
A few have moved on to bigger and better things, though, and will become very successful in their lives. These were the people that, although popular, were still human beings - and didn't treat anyone else like they were pon scum. Jessica here, is not one of those people. To brag about being the best part-time sales associate in a mall store 5+ years after graduating from high school is not something to brag about, in my book (unless, maybe, you're studying to be a doctor and just want some extra cash - which is not the case here).
The next page will be a nice long vent, as this 40 page story arc begins to come to a close. After this is done (in May), I'll go back to the color updates on Fridays again. Remember those? :D
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Drunk DuckThe tried and true "Pha-Q!" line gets 'em every time (if you don't get it, trying saying it out loud). Here's just a vent, one well deserved after the day at the mall that Trevor has had (a day which, for us, has lasted almost 3 months). Everyone needs a good vent from time to time, especially when they've had a bad day.
And then Susie comes in with the zinger that makes the whole comic funny. I was thinking about adding a line from Jessica saying, "How could I have been so blind?" but it really just took away from Susie's line about poop.
And in the end, poop is more funny.
I did
an interview with spiritmonkey, who does a fun comic called
Timmy and the Bleach. Check out the interview by clicking the link above and let me know what you think, and / or just check out his comic.
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Drunk DuckThe story's starting to wrap up here, with Trevor feeling defeated and Susie starting to offer some helpful advice.
...wait a second, Susie offer helpful advice? Isn't that a sign of the apocalypse?!?
Well, at least she made off with a good amount of merchandise. Her day's been busy - while Trevor was out trying to do something noble and sweet for his girlfriend, she was trying to line her closet with stuff!
Mmmmmmmmmmm....useless stuff. :P
In other news, I was interviewed the other week over at Drunk Duck on my two comics, and they finally got around to posting it. Be sure to check it out by clicking here.
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Drunk DuckIt's funny that this page was writen a few months ago, because upon getting back from the NYC Comic Con, Laura was like, "You don't spend enough time with me." Here I was, thinking that I was doing something great but spending all this time making her a web comic, and I was actually doing the opposite of what I intended to - I wasn't spending time with her.
Granted, the issue exists on both sides. While I was busy trying to get this comic out on a weekly basis (3x per week, actually), she was also working on school projects and studying for finals. However, that's the only real time we were spending together for the last 3 months. It's sad, I know, but I've spent the last several weeks not even working on comics....just spending time with my lady.
In the end, that's what really matters. Time to start taking my own advice, damn it!
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