To give a little more insight into the deluded mind that is, well - mine - here is some of the initial sketch work that I did for the various covers that have appeared (and will yet appear) for this story arc. Some of them have changed drastically, some of them have been discarded, and some of them will remain the same.
Sounds like the end of this story, actually. ;)
Originally, I wanted to have a cover feature a different character (5 main characters, and then some villains), but along the way I decided to scrap that idea. In truth, some of the characters would get their own covers during the prequels - and some of the characters I just plain couldn't come up with an interesting cover design for.
Which do you like / not care for?
You too can contribute to "Fan Art Fridays!" Fan Art will be displayed in the order that they are received, and each person who submits a piece of fan art will receive a mini-review like above. Please include a link to the comic you would like reviewed if you have multiple titles. Please send me fan art and links through a PM (or quack). :D
Fan Art Friday - Sketch of cover concepts