And Susie makes somewhat of a return to her roots, where she kills people for watching her video and not showing it to someone in 7 days.
Next week starts up the 3-per week black and white story, which will go on for 38 pages (about 3 months). Again, this is just a mini-project to do a few things:
1) to test and see if I can maintain the increased schedule
2) to make a birthday card / gift for Laura's 21st birthday
3) to hopefully get me in the habit of doing more than one comic per week, so when I return to doing a color one I can maybe do another one on top of it - either in color or black and white.
The new update schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The first few comics will be goofy and unrelated to the actual story, which will really start on Friday with a cover shot. After that, it's 38 pages of a related (and I hope funny) plot. Enjoy!
My site and
Drunk DuckThe first page (more of a teaser / explanation, really) of Laura's birthday story / the 3x per week black and white schedule is also page 75! Whoo-hoo!
Cross your fingers for me and hope that I can complete this exercise / test of my ability to update 3x per week for 3 months. At the end of the 3 months, color updates will resume - possibly with additional content during the week.
Wish me luck, and enjoy the page!
My site and
Drunk Duck