Wow, am I ever behind on my reviews / update notices. I'll write this up real quick and then I need to get back to work.

Movie Night 73: Blade Runner (1982)
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hannah
Plot: Rick Decker (Ford) is a Blade Runner - a detective that specializes in hunting down and "retiring" replicants (which are basically synthetic robots with a 4 year life span). He's recently become aware of 4 replicants that have arrived on Earth and have started killing their way to the top of the Tyrell Corp - the people who manufacture replicants for soldiers and slave labor.
However, when Decker becomes involved with Tyrell's assistant, he discovers that all is not as it seems. She is also a replicant, implanted with the memories of Tyrell's neice. As Decker's journey to track down the rogue replicants continues, he begins to question the decisions he's made and the job he performs - and if he's not a replicant himself!