If this page looks a little different from my previous work, it is. I inked this with a brush instead of with a pen, and it certainly makes the work look different. I'm not sure if I like it better or not, but it was fun to try something new.
To continue on with the writer's strike joke, I decided to do a "you write the comic" strip here. You guys comment what you think the characters are saying, and the best one will be put together and posted!
Please label who is saying what and indicate the panel with a number (panel 1 being in the top left, panel two in the top right, panel 3 in the lower left, and panel 4 in the lower right). The two characters are Trevor and Laura.
After the submissions are entered, I will post the original script that I had when coming up with this page. I look forward to reading what funny items you guys can come up with. Enjoy!