The Exile 4: Page 1 -:- Saturday, November 17, 2007

As I've been mentioning, I've been super SUPER busy lately. And to further prove that point, here's some work that I've been doing for The Exile 4 (which starts up on Monday, November 19).

Here's some concept art for the main character, which I ended up settling on the right side-middle face. I had a vague idea of what I wanted this character to look like in my head, and just played from there. It was a fun process, which involved eatting Doritos and watching Heroes for a few hours.

Here's a full body shot of the main character, who I still have yet to name. I decided that I wanted him to be Native American, and have an earthy / rustic feel to his outfit. His primary weapon would be an energy sword (however, in retrospect, an anergy axe would be more appropriate). All in all, it's not bad for a quick design.

Here's a shot of the inked first page for The Exile 4. I've noticed that many of the previous Exile stories start out with some drolling monologue that explains something about the character or the world that they exist in (or something a very arbitrary narration about how something's going on - something good or bad - how vague), but I wanted to just jump right into an action sequence. I tend to want my stories to just get started, and then play catch up from there. Here's hoping that it works in The Exile.

And after about five hours of coloring, here's the final result. I have two conflicts going on here:

1) the main character has to get to the other side of the space station in less than 5 minutes, or else some girl's gonna die (who knows how or from what, or if her life is being threatened)
2) the cops are hot on his tail - or are those people pretending to be the cops? Who can say for sure!

Anyway, this took up most of my weekend to get done in time for Monday, and it looks a lot better than my previous pages on The Exile 3. So be sure to check out The Exile on Monday for the first page of The Exile 4!


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