Halloween Movie Night was a super success! Laura dressed up in her Ren Fair wenches outfit (a vew hot number, which I may post pictures of later), while I was sporting my Chinese monk outfit. Justin came decked out as a member of The Clockwork Orange in a very elaborate costume. People who had not attended in a while managed to make an appearance, and I was glad that they did because I had been missing them.
Halloween Movies were the theme, and Laura picked a set of doozies! Eventually we ended up selecting the mystery thriller The Bone Collector.

Movie Night 67: The Bone Collector (1999)
Director: Phillip Noyce
Cast: Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Queen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Luis Guzman, Leland Orser, Ed O'Neill
Plot: Lincoln Rhyme (Washington) is a quadriplegic consultant for the New York Police Department, and an ex-forensic expert. He's written several books, and is quite famous among the police in the city. However, due to his "accident" acquired while on the job, he no longer sees the point in living. Amelia Donaghy (Jolie) is a beat cop coping with a troubled past who happens to take a call and stumbles upon a body buried by some rail road tracks.
It appears that a serial killer has struck the city, abducting people in a taxi cab and leaving behind clues as to how the police can save his next victim. Rhyme and Donaghy must work together to solve the puzzle, and uncover the identity of the killer. However, as the clues start to form a larger puzzle, the two soon discover that the killer may be closer than they think.....
I'll post Halloween Party pictures later (I only took a few). The party was fun, as we all hung out and drank. Erin and Allison showed up as pirates (sporting real swords), Laura was a "naughty" Little Red Riding Hood, Scott was a Blockbuster employee, Mike was a technician, Mia was a ninja, Allan was a rancher (complete with a lasso used to hog-tie several people during the night), Lauren was like a witch or a vampire, Timmy was a zombie (or a serial killer), Justin was in his same outfit from A Clockwork Orange, and Matt was an @$$hole. In the Mouth of Madness was playing in the background while I played some Cloisters (and lost horribly) with Allison, Scott, and Mike. We then watched some Invader Zim Halloween episodes right before people started to filter out. All in all, it was a good time.