The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Definitive Edition is still going strong on Drunk Duck. Be sure to check it out, as it updates on Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays.
@$$hole! is surprisingly popular on there as well (in less than 24 hours it jumped to the top 200 comics on the site, out of over 7,000)! @$$hole will continue to update on Fridays on both Drunk Duck and on
my website.
It has been decided that I'm going to move into Harbour Club in Belleville at the end of November. Currently, the tentative date is November 20 (Tuesday) to start moving in, and that weekend is Thanksgiving weekend. Any help that people can provide will be much appreciated (with hugs, beer, and pizza)! I have to be out of my current place by or before November 30, which I'd ideally like to have as a housewarming party / movie night. Please let me know if you'd be able to help me move on November 20, or sometime that week. I think I'm going to need to rent a truck, and I'll need at least one additional pair of strong arms to move the big stuff....
I didn't put a lot of emphasis on it, but October 26 will be a Halloween themed movie night (feel free to dress up), but October 27 (Saturday) will be a Halloween Party (if you don't dress up, we're hanging you from a flagpole by your underwear - and be fearful if you forget to wear underwear that night). Last year I think I combined them both because I was attending a wedding for my friend's Carl and Sarah. This year, there are 2 opportunities to dress up and hang out! Let me know if you can make it!
Here's an updated schedule of events for October and November:
October 10: Kelly's Body Shop Party
October 12: Wedding rehersal for Laura's sister, Lauren's Body Shop Party, unofficial movie night afterwards at Laren's house
October 13: Laura's sister's wedding
October 19: My Body Shop Party (we're having facials, please RSVP), and Movie Night #66 - which may take place at Necto in celebration of Erin and Allison's anniversary
October 26: Movie Night #67: Halloween Night
October 27: Halloween Party
November 2: Movie Night #68: My birthday movie night
November 5: My actual birthday (I have the next day off from work, so there may be a Necto night in store....)
November 16: Movie Night #69: Erotic Movie Night (it's just begging for a theme)
November 20: Moving from Ann Arbor to Belleville
November 23: Maybe a Movie Night....?
November 30: Movie Night #70 / house warming party!