Temple Chapter 3.3 -:-
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
New Temple page went up today (on Halloween) on Drunk Duck. This page shows off a little map of the area that our characters exist in. Many people ask for reference points and whatnot, and even though none of the towns are labeled, it's helpful to know a little more about the area.  Fan Art Friday is coming up again this week, and then there will be another two pages of new content next week (followed by more fan art). Stay tuned for more!
Temple Chapter 3.2 -:-
Monday, October 29, 2007
Temple has been updating on Drunk Duck, I just have been lax on promoting it on MySpace.
Movie Night #67: The Bone Collector -:-
Halloween Movie Night was a super success! Laura dressed up in her Ren Fair wenches outfit (a vew hot number, which I may post pictures of later), while I was sporting my Chinese monk outfit. Justin came decked out as a member of The Clockwork Orange in a very elaborate costume. People who had not attended in a while managed to make an appearance, and I was glad that they did because I had been missing them. Halloween Movies were the theme, and Laura picked a set of doozies! Eventually we ended up selecting the mystery thriller The Bone Collector.  Movie Night 67: The Bone Collector (1999) Director: Phillip Noyce Cast: Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Queen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Luis Guzman, Leland Orser, Ed O'Neill Plot: Lincoln Rhyme (Washington) is a quadriplegic consultant for the New York Police Department, and an ex-forensic expert. He's written several books, and is quite famous among the police in the city. However, due to his "accident" acquired while on the job, he no longer sees the point in living. Amelia Donaghy (Jolie) is a beat cop coping with a troubled past who happens to take a call and stumbles upon a body buried by some rail road tracks.
It appears that a serial killer has struck the city, abducting people in a taxi cab and leaving behind clues as to how the police can save his next victim. Rhyme and Donaghy must work together to solve the puzzle, and uncover the identity of the killer. However, as the clues start to form a larger puzzle, the two soon discover that the killer may be closer than they think.....
I'll post Halloween Party pictures later (I only took a few). The party was fun, as we all hung out and drank. Erin and Allison showed up as pirates (sporting real swords), Laura was a "naughty" Little Red Riding Hood, Scott was a Blockbuster employee, Mike was a technician, Mia was a ninja, Allan was a rancher (complete with a lasso used to hog-tie several people during the night), Lauren was like a witch or a vampire, Timmy was a zombie (or a serial killer), Justin was in his same outfit from A Clockwork Orange, and Matt was an @$$hole. In the Mouth of Madness was playing in the background while I played some Cloisters (and lost horribly) with Allison, Scott, and Mike. We then watched some Invader Zim Halloween episodes right before people started to filter out. All in all, it was a good time.
@$$hole! #34: The Prisoner (Part 12) -:-
Friday, October 26, 2007
Movie Night #66: Final Fantasy VII: The Advent Children -:-
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
 Movie Night 66: Final Fantasy VII: The Advent Children (2005) Director: Tetsuya Nomura Plot: Several years after the events of the Final Fantasy VII game, ex-SOLDIER Cloud has started up a delivery business and lives with his young sweetheart Tiffa. However, after the event of Meteor and The Life Force, a deadly plague called Geostigma has striken the land. Cloud is suffering from this debilitating illness, and has distanced himself from his friends.
However, a mysterious group lead by Kadaj has begun to declare war on the people of Midgar, and they are using the children affected by the Geostigma as their soldiers. Their goal is to complete the task that Cloud's arch-nemesis Sephiroth had set out to do all those years ago: to find the lost cells of Jenova and cause Reunion, an event that will wipe out all life on the planet!
Now, it's up to Cloud and his friends to stop this new threat to the world. But will Cloud be able to overcome his self-doubt and become the hero that he always new he could be?
@$$hole! #33: The Prisoner (Part 11) -:-
Friday, October 19, 2007
Drunk Duck seems to be down today, so I can't check to see my new Temple page of @$$hole! on their site. However, the page went live last night on my site, so check it out!  This play on words may take some people a second to register, but it's something that I was thinking about for a long time - and it's especially nostalgic if you've watched the series, because (SPOILERS) #1 is never really defined, although you do get to see him - which only raises more questions (END SPOILERS). However, the idea for this joke was referencing "bathroom codes." A #1 is taking a pee, while a #2 is taking a dump. I was going to make a poop joke on here in reference to the gnome king, but decided I didn't need to. The fact that Trevor is so hesitant to save #1 (even if it means getting out of the Village, or an orgy) is funny enough, in my mind. I liked the blue light in this. I was going to make the light change colors every panel, but thought that may be too confusing. The blue works well here, and it's my favorite color. And that darn gnome king is just so cute, I love drawing him...I'm already thinking of ways to make him a part of the regular cast....possibly. In any case, this new page can be found on my site here, and on Drunk Duck here (whenever the site gets fixed). The Drunk Duck ratings seem to be slipping a bit, so please visit both sites to check it out - I would appreciate the traffic. And as always, feedback and comments are always welcome. Only 3 more pages left in this story arc, and then I'll go back to the "gag-a-day" pages for a little bit. Then I'll introduce another cliffhanger before going into another round of guest strips. Rock! T
Temple Chapter 2.8 -:-
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Well, the new Temple page went up today. I'm tempted to change the update schedule to Tuesday / Thursday starting in November, because I don't like Temple and @$$hole updating on the same day. What do you guys thinks?  This was the page where I started coming into my own. As my first web comic series - and coming out of a 2 year drawing hiatus - I was finally starting to rediscover my visual style and set the tone for the story and the characters. It's very nostalgic for me to see pages like this again and remember how much I enjoyed working on this series (even if it did depress the hell out of me at times).
I also really like the detail work I started putting into the characters, especially the main character. This level of detail was inconsistant throughout the series, but it really started on this page here.
Chapter 2 is almost finished, so be sure to check out the comic as it updates on Monday / Wednesday / Friday, and let me know what you think about a Tuesday / Thursday update schedule. Later!
Temple Chapter 2.7 -:-
Monday, October 15, 2007
Temple is making headway on the Drunk Duck site. Although not as popular as @$$hole!, the comic is generating more comments and feedback. Strange. People seem to enjoy it, though, which is the goal. Here's the latest page of the Definitive Edition:  I fell a little behind on my Exile 3 updates this week, because there was just simply no time this weekend (the wedding I attended was great, though). The page is mostly done, and will go up tonight. Right before I get drunk and call in to the Triple Feature (Tom Brazelton's podcast on TalkShoe). Could be a fun time. Check it out live (to do so, you have to create a really quickly account on the site, which is free and takes like 30 seconds), or download it tomorrow. @$$hole! is still scheduled to go up on time on both my website and Drunk Duck. I have the entire story arc penned, but not all illustrated. I'll be working on it this week while watching some Heroes on DVD. Since I'm moving to Belleville at the end of November, I'm going to want to get all of November and December finished before moving - so I don't have to worry about getting pages up while moving. There's enough stress associated with moving. I don't need more to go along with it. I am looking for help in the moving process, if you're in the area. Shoot me an e-mail and let me know if you'd be free to help me move the big stuff on Saturday, November 24. I'll be renting a truck, and supplying beer and pizza to all who help out. "Punch and Pie" as they like to say.... Anyway, enjoy the latest page and be sure to check out Temple every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. @$$hole! continues to update on Fridays on both my site and Drunk Duck.
Temple Updates on Drunk Duck -:-
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Temple of a Thousand Tears has updated on Drunk Duck. Check it out, let me know what you think. What I think is funny is that despite the fact that @$$hole appears to be more popular than Temple, Temple generates a lot more comments and feedback from readers. Check out the latest page here.
@$$hole! #32: The Prisoner (Part 10) -:-
Drunk Duck has posted @$$hole! in the top 82 comic strips (#232 overall). With your help, by just visiting the site, you can help this number grow. I appreciate all the help, love, and support that I've received so far, and hope that everyone will be able to visit both my website and the DD site.  It's a "meanwhile, back in reality" sort of situation. It appears that Charlie is becoming a little more solid - obviously drawing power from somewhere. Also, he seems to have a bit of the yellow fever....
However, it's all coming to an inevitable conclusion. Just wait a little longer. Check out the full page on my website and on Drunk Duck. Thanks, and I hope you're enjoying the story! T
Drunk Duck comics, Life, and Upcoming Events -:-
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Definitive Edition is still going strong on Drunk Duck. Be sure to check it out, as it updates on Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays. @$$hole! is surprisingly popular on there as well (in less than 24 hours it jumped to the top 200 comics on the site, out of over 7,000)! @$$hole will continue to update on Fridays on both Drunk Duck and on my website. It has been decided that I'm going to move into Harbour Club in Belleville at the end of November. Currently, the tentative date is November 20 (Tuesday) to start moving in, and that weekend is Thanksgiving weekend. Any help that people can provide will be much appreciated (with hugs, beer, and pizza)! I have to be out of my current place by or before November 30, which I'd ideally like to have as a housewarming party / movie night. Please let me know if you'd be able to help me move on November 20, or sometime that week. I think I'm going to need to rent a truck, and I'll need at least one additional pair of strong arms to move the big stuff.... I didn't put a lot of emphasis on it, but October 26 will be a Halloween themed movie night (feel free to dress up), but October 27 (Saturday) will be a Halloween Party (if you don't dress up, we're hanging you from a flagpole by your underwear - and be fearful if you forget to wear underwear that night). Last year I think I combined them both because I was attending a wedding for my friend's Carl and Sarah. This year, there are 2 opportunities to dress up and hang out! Let me know if you can make it! Here's an updated schedule of events for October and November: October 10: Kelly's Body Shop Party October 12: Wedding rehersal for Laura's sister, Lauren's Body Shop Party, unofficial movie night afterwards at Laren's house October 13: Laura's sister's wedding October 19: My Body Shop Party (we're having facials, please RSVP), and Movie Night #66 - which may take place at Necto in celebration of Erin and Allison's anniversary October 26: Movie Night #67: Halloween Night October 27: Halloween Party November 2: Movie Night #68: My birthday movie night November 5: My actual birthday (I have the next day off from work, so there may be a Necto night in store....) November 16: Movie Night #69: Erotic Movie Night (it's just begging for a theme) November 20: Moving from Ann Arbor to Belleville November 23: Maybe a Movie Night....? November 30: Movie Night #70 / house warming party!
Movie Night #65: Robin Hood Men in Tights -:-
Monday, October 08, 2007
Ah, another great Movie Night. Great people, great fun. It's a pitty that I was so exhausted that I couldn't stay up later, and I've talked about trying to stop scheduling activities on Saturday mornings with Laura so we're able to stay up later. I understand that the group went to Steak and Shake afterwards for a much later night than I had - which is amazing, because I had been craving Steak and Shake that very morning. Movie Night 65: Robin Hood Men in Tights (1993) Director: Mel Brooks Cast: Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis, Roger Rees, Amy Yasbeck, Dave Chappelle, Isaac Hayes, Patrick Stewart Plot: Robin (Elwes) returns from the Crusades to find that his castle has been reposessed due to not paying back taxes, his family is all gone (including his pets), and his blind servant Blinkin helps him form a band of merry men to fight the evil Sherrif of Rottingham (Rees) and the King's brother Prince John (Lewis). And what Robin Hood story would be complete without a Maid Marian (Yasbeck)? Robin's friend Ahchoo (Chappelle) also helps to train and rally the troops in this hilarious parady of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Mel Brooks is at his best with this flick, showcasing everything that makes his tongue-in-cheeck humor appealing to the masses, and with a sing-along session (well, I sang and was dancing) of the song "We're Men...We're men in tights", this was probably one of the most fun Movie Nights that we've had in a while. I'd like to do more sing-along Movie Nights down the road, perhaps a Buffy the musical or Rocky Horror Picture Show.... Upcoming announcements: October 10: Kelly's Body Shop Party October 12: Laura's sister's wedding rehersal, Lauren's Body Shop Party (unofficial movie night at her place following the Body Shop event) October 13: Laura's sister's wedding October 19: My Body Shop Party (we're having facials, everyone's invited - bring friends, and RSVP so I can provide food), Movie Night 66 (which may take place at Necto for Erin and Allison's anniversary) October 26: Movie Night 67 (Halloween themed) October 27: Halloween Party (please RSVP, bring booze, and let me know in advance if you think you're going to need to stay the night. Also, bring a pillow if you plan to stay). Other than that, be sure to check out my two comics on Drunk Duck: The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Definitive Edition (updates Monday, Wednesday, Friday) @$$hole! (updates Friday) @$$hole! will also continue to update on my website on Fridays.
@$$hole #30: The Prisoner (Part 9) -:-
Friday, October 05, 2007
 I realize that I made the gnome king a little large in the last two panels, but I just can't help loving to draw that little guy - can you believe that my original concepts for him back for Carl's Wedding Comic ( Project: October) were completely different? I think I designed his current form with 3 things in mind: Simple, Round, Alcohol (I was drunk). I like the way he turned out. Johnathan Frakes' Will Riker (#1 from Star Trek: The Next Generation) makes an appearance on the strip, in my feeble attempts to make jokes about The Prisoner that people might actually get. This story is starting to wrap itself up (probably only about 4-5 strips to go), and then I'll have some stand-alone strips before starting up the next story arc. How are you guys enjoying this story arc so far?
The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Definitive Edition -:-
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It's been posting daily since Saturday, and the feedback that I've gotten was "slow it down!" Therefore, starting this weekend, The Temple of a Thousand Tears: The Definitive Edition will update Monday - Wednesday - Friday on Drunk Duck exclusively. Be sure to check out the reimagining of my first web comic series (and I swear, it's so much better than Lucas redoing Star Wars). With over 70 pages of story to get through, it's my hope that as soon as this run is finished I can start updating the prequel pages: The Legend of Abraham and Bushido. Abraham is already underway, and the script for Bushido should be completed this month (or at least, that's the goal). The great thing about Drunk Duck, if I may plug the site for a second, is that it's kind of like a MySpace for web comic artists. You have friends, you leave comments, you make recommendations, and you rate people's pages. It's like a big web comic community, all run by Platinum Studios out in California. I've found some great comics on there, and many of my other web comic friends have started accounts on there as well. Also, they keep track of your page views and popularity on the site: as of this posting, Temple is ranked #818 in Best Comic Book Story, and #1,264 overall on the site (out of over 7,000)! It's not a bad start for only the first 6 days of being on the site, but I know it can do better - and you can help just by going to the site on the days that the comic updates and read the new content! If you have a Drunk Duck account, feel free to add me as a friend and I'll try to check out your comic(s). I want to get @$$hole! posted on there over the weekend, if time allows, to help grow that reader base. It would continue to update on Fridays on both sites. So please go check out the revised pages, and enjoy this promotional art that I made back in the day for the premiere of Chapter 6: The Way of the Samurai.
@$$hole #30: The Prisoner (Part 7) -:-
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sorry gang, this page did go up on time, but I didn't have the time to plug it. I spent most of the weekend preparing my Definitive Edition on Drunk Duck, which will update daily until finished. I also went apartment shopping, and I think I might be moving come the end of my lease in November (and I'll totally be looking for help - I'll provide the beer and pizza, if you provide the time and muscle). However, @$$hole is still on schedule and I'm looking forward to this coming week's strip. I apologize that this week's has repeat artwork, but I wanted to show that the characters were still arguing and at each other's throats. Also, notice that I improved dramatically on my balloon placement and tails! My new scanner arrived over the weekend, and while I haven't had time to use it yet, I'm hoping that it'll work and I won't have to hunt one down for guest strips and whatnot. I want to start updating G-Man on a regular basis as well. I have new stories that I want to tell with those characters, damn it! Also, in the long term, I'm working on the two Temple prequels and single sequel (prequels sooner, hopefully they'll start coming out next year sometime) and I have another idea in my head for a series about witches (on an unrelated note, I'm about half way through the last Harry Potter book). I have two other series in my head that I'd eventually like to do, but they're so far down the road that I can't even begin to attach a timetable to them. For now, I just want to get through my run on Drunk Duck, get into a position for weekly G-Man updates, and continue to update @$$hole on a weekly basis. Anyway, enjoy the latest page and I'll see you all later! T
The Definitive Edition -:-
Just wanted to let anyone interested know that I've started updating the Definitive Edition of The Temple of a Thousand Tears on Drunk Duck. This newly envisioned version of the story is not like Lucas going back and changing shit, instead it's the same thing - but better! I have gone through each and every single page and tweaked the artwork, coloring, changed the fonts, and corrected spelling errors - as well as adding helpful chapter dividers. Currently, this comic will update daily on Drunk Duck exclusively, so if you have an account please leave comments and rate the pages. If you don't have an account, please just go check it out. This was my first web comic series ever, so some of the art's a little sluggish at first, but it gets better as the 70+ page epic continues. Please go check it out.
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