Movie Night #64: Bon Fire Night 1 -:- Monday, September 24, 2007

Bon Fire Night (which immediately followed the very fun Body Shop foot thingie at Laura's) was a great time had by all who attended. Combine the following elements: good friends, fire, cider and doughnuts, and Justin's "oatmeal cookies" drink (something that I will have to learn how to make myself), and follow it all up with some N64 action in the basement, and you get one kick-ass time!

The conversation during the bon fire was good. I was able to cuddle with my lady (who I hadn't seen in a week, and who was going through a bad time of things), chat with friends, and enjoy that good old camp-fire smell! After a while it started to get cold outside (at least the part of me that was touching the ground), so we ventured indoors for some Mario Kart and Smash Bros. The night ended around 1:30am, with Mia taking the title as champion of Smash Bros (damn you Kirby! Why do you plague me so!)

Saturday was an emotional rollercoaster for Laura and her family, no doubt. They attended a funeral for a close friend of the family - while I babysat a 2 year-old out in the lobby. Laura was with me, sure, but I encouraged her to go pay her respects and go through the mourning process. Afterwards was productivity time, during which I completed many more pages than expected for The Temple of a Thousand Tears: Definitive Edition which will appear on Drunk Duck. A direct link will be avilable soon.

I just need to get a cover finished up for this edition, which should be made easier by the fact that I ordered a new scanner off New Egg over the weekend. It should arrive this week.

Sunday was another day of celebration, as Laura's family celebrated Karen's birthday. There was much food and football watching (during which I finished "Wicked," since I have no interest in sports). I loaned my copy of "Wicked" to Laura's mother in exchange for the last Harry Potter book, which I've already gotten about 50 pages into...and I'm a slow reader.

My plans to go out of state this weekend may have been foiled. It appears that less than half of the regular group of people is attending Pokagon this year, and my room has been cancelled. My mother encouraged me to come down for a single day, but that just doesn't seem worth the time and effort (and cost) in my mind. I think I may attend Justin's alterative Movie Night, and then use Saturday as another productivity day to get the Definitve Edition up and running. Also, I'm without a roommate as of this week, so I may also reclaim the second room as my office....

If anyone would like to help out with that, let me know. There could also be hanging out involved. Maybe some friends exchanges of words and a few high fives! :D

Anyway, new comic news will be posting soon. A few people at Movie Night were surprised / impressed that I managed to secure a guest strip over at Multiplex. I met Gordon at Wizard World this year, and listen to the Triple Feature pod cast all the time - he's a good guy, even if we do disagree on a few points when it comes to movies. He's a great guy, though - very knowledgable, and fun to hang out with. I'd do another guest strip for him in a heartbeat (and who knows - maybe he'll be able to return the favor sometime down the road).

If you'd like to meet Gordon and most of the boxcarcomics crew, then I recommend attending Wizard World Chicago with me in 2008! Last year was a blast, and I'd love to actually be able to attend the con for all 4 days! Scott's even priced out some booth space for Exile Comics - but we might be a few years off from actually getting it. Maybe a Motor City Comic Con first....

Anyway, I'm gonna get back to work now. Later!



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