It feels like it's been a while since our last Movie Night where we actually watched movies. And it was a lot of fun, talking with people before hand about what we all think Movie Night is and what it could be. I got a lot of great feedback from people, and I liked many of the ideas that were presented. And then we got on with why everyone was there (because it certainly wasn't to hear me rant), and popped in a DVD.

Movie Night #62: Lethal Weapon (1987)
Director: Richard Donner
Cast: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey
Plot: Sergeants Martin Riggs (Gibson) and Roger Murtaugh (Glover) are two very different LA cops. Murtaugh has just reached his 50th birthday, and has a cool and collected way of dealing with situations. Riggs is a lose cannon, on edge, and quite possibly psychotic. However, when they are both partnered together to solve the muder or one of Murtaugh's friend's daughters, they stumble upon a conspiracy of ex-mercenaries and drug smuggling that could threaten the lives of those they hold most dear. Filled with fast paced action (and even faster banter), this is one of the great action classics and signature buddy-cop movies from the late 80s.
I was surprised that two people hadn't ever seen Lethal Weapon all the way through (and unfortunately with the level of conversation going on during the movie, that number may still prove true), but everyone seemed to enjoy it all the same. While it's true that there was more conversation going on than I would've liked (or more to the point - it was a little louder than I would've liked), I think that everyone was still able to follow the plot enough to get some enjoyment from the experience. I must admit that it's been a while since I've watched these movies, and they still hold up as some of the more extertaining and exciting action flicks. The franchise that it spawned just further shows the level of depth of the characters and how much audiences wanted to see them evolve.
Heck, Danny Glover and Mel Gibson were both making cameo appearances in each other's movies for several years, even after Danny Glover "retired."
I understand that we have a birthday coming up for one of our "regulars" this week (yes, Kelly, I'm talking about you), and I'm hoping that her and Shane will be able to make it this coming Friday to celebrate. There's talk about attending the Buffy Musical show at the Michigan Theater afterwards (which takes place at midnight, so Movie Night #63 will have to end early). I'm looking forward, as I've heard about this touring reel but have not had the opportunity to be a part of it. I've heard that it's comparable to a 60-minute Rocky Horror Picture Show! Only with Buffy, instead of Tim Curry in drag. :P
Until then, later!