Josh Elder is going to be at the Vault of Midnight tonight from 5pm-7pm. He writes
Mail Order Ninja for TokyoPOP, and
Batman Strikes for DC Comics. He also has a project coming out for Platinum Studios and reviews graphic novels for the
Chicago Sun-Times.
The guy started out working with Wizard Magazine, and it's perfect that I met him at this year's Wizard World Chicago! He's a pretty cool guy, and his books aren't a bad read, either. Also, since he used to be a Wizard staffer, he knows where all the great parties are at the con.
In any case, if you're in the area tonight, stop by the
Vault of Midnight and say hello, buy his book, chat, and hang out. I plan to be there as soon as I get out of work, and want to get the second volume of his book (volume 3 is not yet available). Hopefully see you there!