What I particularly love about this comic is how honest her reaction is. If I were to do this to her, she'd go into the bedroom and cry (and chances are, Susie would go comfort her). However, in truth, Laura would probably be sitting right next to me while I play video games saying things like, "Jump over that! Go down that hall! You're doing it wrong!" It's a good time, hanging out with her. Also, she thinks that she can kick my ass in Smash Bros for the N64, but she's totally wrong. :P
Laura and I met at Necto during a Factory Night Monday. I was a little intoxicated, and saw her and Erin (Erin's strip goes up tomorrow) talking to Jimmie. Jimmie comes off as a little creepy sometimes, so I went over to see what was going on, and we ended up hitting it off from the start. However, later that night I caught her making out with someone else - which didn't really turn me on to dating her.
Down the road, she cut all ties (well, most ties) to that person and we started hanging out - she came to a Movie Night, and we found that we had a lot in common. I made a date with her for a week later, cooked her dinner and we went to go see The Omen remake in theaters. Erin tagged along, which is kinna funny. Like a chaperone. It was a good time, though.
And the rest, as they say, is history. Laura and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary in June. We have talked about starting some collaborative artistic projects, but this is the closest we've come so far (between the two of us working, and her still in school, it makes it difficult to get together to work on stuff). She has some great ideas for an Alice in Wonderland-themed photoshoot, which PhotoShop edited effects. Like a goth Alice in Wonderland. Should be a good time.
But the most important thing to remember about Laura is that I MISS HER
MOSTESTER! (That gets her back for the Ewe magent that she gave me to counter
my comic...so HA! For those of you out of the loop, Laura made me a magnet that says "I miss EWE mostest" to further push the contest that we have going - now we're even). If you don't get it, I apologize. 'Tis a personal joke.
In any case,
only one more GUEST STRIP WEEK comic to go, and then the new story arc starts for
@$$hole. Don't miss it!